Chapter 1

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Izuku, Bakugou, Mina and Shinsou were all together in Shinsou's room. They decided they wanted to play a game. A game of truth or dare. Or more like a game of truth.

They all wanted to get to know each other better, so they decided to ask each other questions. It was just a harmless game, not meant to hurt anybody.

"Ok, Midoriya, your turn!" Mina turned to Izuku.

"That's ok, just skip me." Izuku looked down at his feet, as he sweated slightly. Izuku was a bit tired, he kind of wanted to go back to his room.

"Oi, eye bags." Bakugou looked at Shinsou, who seemed to have caught on. He turned to Izuku who was still looking at the ground.

Shinsou slightly nodded.

"Umm, what's your biggest secret Midoriya?" Shinsou looked awkwardly to the side. Jeez he was really bad of thinking up a question. It wasn't a very creative question, it was really vague.

Izuku was now under mind control. He was freaking out as his mouth moved on its own. Answering the one thing he wanted to keep wrapped.

"I hurt myself sometimes, is that too scary for ya?" Izuku's eyes were white as he blankly answered.

'No! No! Stop! What will they think?'

That you're a weakling...

So pathetic...

It's what you get for being so stupid...

You deserved this...

Izuku was released from the hold of Shinsou's quirk. Watching nervously to see his friend's reaction. He felt his stomach turn uneasily, letting his drift down to the ground ashamed of himself.

'Why is everyone so silent?'

"Why is everyone-" Izuku almost blurted before stopping himself.

'Wait, I just told everyone I-. No...No!'

Izuku felt the tears blur up his vision as he panicked and his breath picked up.

"No wait-" Izuku's tears streamed down his face like a river as he tried to control himself. They were going to think he was weak, disgusting, they were going to make fun of him and he would lose the only thing he never had the chance to have. Friends. It was just going to be stripped away from him.

He was going to hurt the only people that cared for him.

They wouldn't think that...

You didn't hurt them, they weren't your friends in the first place...

They probably think you're disgusting...

"I can explain." 



Sorry it's not very long.

All the chapters are probably going to be short s sorry about that.

The videos aren't very long and there's only so much I can lengthen.

I'm also tired and I wrote 4 chapter in the span of around 1hour so like I'm tired.

There's probably going to be some errors , do tell me so I can fix it. :)

Cya ❤

(435 words)

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