Brotherly love and unkown love

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Just wanted to say thank you guys for 6k reads!!! That's insane!!!

Tommy and Wilbur finished eating their burgers and were now heading on to the plane.
Wilbur's eyes were getting droopy from the medication he took and Tommy was extremely high energy so you could tell this wasn't going to go well.

'Hey Wilbur look out the window!' Tommy tapped on Wilbur's shoulder.

Wilbur slowly moved his head around 'yea?'

Tommy playfully mouthed each word carefully 'L-O-O-K O-U-T T-H-E W-I-N-D-O-W'

Wilbur rolled his eyes 'I'm not a baby Tommy'

'If you say so' Tommy muttered under his breath.

'Wait what did you say?!?'

'Just look out the window'

Wilbur turned his head to face the window and he was met with clouds 'clouds Tommy, seriously'

'HEY! There cool looking'

Wilbur just rolled his eyes and continued walking 'come on Tommy'

'Coming!' Tommy ran back up to Wilbur and flung his arm around him. 'Why do you want to get on the plane so fast'

'Uh so that we don't miss it'

'Really?' Tommy looked Wilbur in the eyes as they continued to walk.

'Yes Tommy I don't want to miss it your mother would kill me!'

Tommy laughed 'true, also'


'Can we get food on the plane?'

Wilbur thought for a moment 'sure I guess' but Wilbur definitely knew he wouldn't be eating.

'Alright awesome!'

Wilbur slightly chuckled at how excited Tommy could get over something so small.

The two finally got to the plane opening and Wilbur stopped as stared at the entrance for a few moments before continuing so that Tommy wouldn't notice.

'Wow this is bigger than expected' Tommy smiled putting his luggage in the containers above their seats.

'Yea...' Wilbur followed Tommy and put his luggage beside his and sat down in the aisle seat.

'You can have the window seat Tommy'

'Ok good' tommy said as he scooted over into the seat sitting down 'I would've probably fought you for it anyways'

Wilbur smiled 'you would have but you didn't'

Tommy rolled his eyes 'who says I still won't' tommy playfully punched Wilbur in the arm.

'I do'

'Oh look bossy Wilbur again'

Wilbur just rolled his eyes as the captain came on the speaker.

'Welcome to (inset airline) we will be leaving shortly and we all hope you have a good flight'

After that the flight attendant came on a gave directions if the plane were to crash but Wilbur secretly had his headphones in so he didn't really worry about that part.

10 minutes past and the plane started to move which startled both tommy and Wilbur but tommy then just immediately looked out the window.

'This is sooo cool! Look Wilbur'

Tommy tapped Wilbur's shoulder but he was already sleeping.

Tommy just sighed and continued to look out the window.
'DO YOU GUYS HAVE EVERYTHING?' Bad called out from the bunk room.

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