Betraying My Trust: Chp 2: The Plan

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So again I don't own Hetaila or it's characters and I am still working on trying to get them to sound or seem like themselves if that makes sense TTwTT haha anyway so here is the next part carrying on from where I left off.


America had no clue as to how he wanted to confess his feelings to England and since he could no longer use Valentines as a good idea since it had already past he was going to have to come up with a new idea. America made his way over to his desk and sat down, grabbing his near by note bad and a pen from one of the desk draws, he got ready to write a whole list but as he sat there not a single idea had came to him. He sighed out loud and let his head fall onto the desk as he began to whine to himself. 

"Aww man, Why won't my awesome, heroic brain not come up with any good ideas?!? It's not like that I can just make a new holiday just to confess to him..." With just these words America felt the beginning of a "great" idea pop into his mind and he shot his head up from of his desk almost with stars in his eyes as he shouted our.

"I've got it! I will make a brand new holiday just to confess to England! All it will take is a grate marketing and shoving it down everyone's throats as the next greatest holiday ever and make tones of build boards that everyone will just have to celebrate it" But just as fast as this idea had came to him, so did the realization had he had no ideas on what the holiday would be about since if he said it was a day to confess then it would just look like he stole Valentines day and he couldn't say he got the dates mixed since he had already asked for England's Valentines day chocolate. Once again America found himself letting out a loud moan of disappointment*

"Awww man why does this have to be hard?? It's not like other countries don't have more then one holiday to confess or celebrate love..." He looked around his desk to the few books he had just laying around and right away grabbed the book names 'Japanese Traditions For Idiots' that was under the book 'How to bomb England without him knowing.' America took the book and leaned back in his chair as he began to flick through the pages and just as if the book had read his mind, he found one of Japans traditions to Valentines day. It was said that the month after Valentines day was the day the guys could confess back by tying a white ribbon into their beloveds hair. Almost with stars in his eyes he kicked his feet up from of her ground still leaning back in his chair as he shouted out.

"This is perfect!" Only seconds later did him and his chair fall backwards onto the ground and causing a loud thud to come from his room as he let out a whine of pain.

"Owwwww..." His pain aside America had the best plan ever, next month on the Japanese St White's Day, he planned to confess his feelings for England and so all that was left was to find him the perfect white ribbon to tie in England's hair. In the mean time while America picked himself up of the ground and then his chair France was passing his room when he heard the loud thud coming from the room and so being nosy, he let himself into America's room and called out to him.

"America? Is everything okay my monami? I heard a suspicious sound and so thought I should check and see what happened huha" Furious to have France suddenly barge in his room, America in a panic ran over to him and literally shoved him out of the door shouting to him. 

"Get out of here you perverted frog!" America's face had turned slightly red, worried that the Frenchmen may have over heard his plans for confessing to England and the last thing America wanted was to have England find out through France. The sheer thought alone sent a chill down his spine and he soon slammed the door shut behind Frnace, who once again found himself alone in the corridor all confused.

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