Chapter 12

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Skyler's POV:

Almost two weeks have passed and I only have a day until go home. I'm both excited and disappointed at the same time. But also at the same time I don't wanna have to say goodbye to the friend group or Colby. My family is coming with me. Well we're taking the privet jet there. I'll be living with my mom(Heather) and dad(Morgan). No matter what I'm not going to stop calling them mom and dad. Lately I've been kinda down but it's only because of how bad leaving is going to hurt. In the months I've been here I've fallen in fucking love with Colby and I don't want to lose what we have but then again maybe I won't. I really won't know until I leave. At this moment I'm packing up and Colby's helping just like how he helped me unpack when I first got here.

"You know leaving isn't going to be the end of us." Colby said putting a hand on my hand which had started shaking.

"But what if it is?" I asked feeling the tears collect in my eyes.

"It's not going to be. I love you. I'm not letting that go. I'm not letting you go. I refuse." Colby said softly pulling me to him.

"We'll talk everyday. We'll eventually do a collab together. I'll come and see you and you can come see me. We'll make this work. No matter what." He continued. I felt better but I just wanted to stay in his arms. I knew that once I got home I'd be able to distract myself with working on the ranch again but I know that'll only work for a while but at least I have my best friend Nina to hang out with too. Hopefully everything will be ok. Me and Colby finished packing my stuff and put it in my car for our flight tomorrow morning. All of the group met up and we all hung out and had one last big party I guess you could say. But what surprised me most was Colby hasn't let go of me except for when one of us had to use the bathroom and I was ok with that. I didn't want him to let go just yet. It was still daytime out and we were all kinda in a circle talking to one another. Occasionally the group would tease me and Colby but it was out of love and I knew that. I was going to miss it here a lot though. Maybe one day I'll move and have a ranch of my own. I don't know. I've started my channel and it's blown up with the help of the group. Once I get back I'll have a more normal schedule for filming. I decided to go for a swim on last time here. I went upstairs and put a swim suit on and one of Colby's shirts and went back out. When Colby seen me his eyes filled with lust and he looked me up and down. I took the shirt off and threw it at him jumping into the pool. I swam around for what felt like hours and eventually everyone was in the pool and we were splashing and fucking around the rest of the night. Soon we all went to bed and me and Colby went into his room. But as soon as the door closed he kissed me hard yet softly. Telling me that no matter what we'd be forever. I didn't want the kiss to end. Ever. I wanted it to last forever. Soon I felt him pick me up and bring me over to his bed and lay me down softly not breaking the kiss once. I tangled my hands in his hair and deepened the kiss. He didn't mind but I could tell he didn't want to overstep his boundaries. Soon enough he pulled away with lust filled eyes.

"As much as I really want to continue this. I think we should stop before I lose all my self control." He said slowly sitting up. I didn't want him to stop but it was heart warming he didn't want to overstep. But I wanted this. I knew that he loved me and I loved him. I wanted this. 

"If you don't want to that's fine but I'm ready." I said softly. He looked up at me and sighed.

"I just don't want you to think im only doing this because your leaving. I really do love you and I wanna show you that but I don't wanna push you." He explained.

"Then show me. I'm ready." I said softly grabbing his hands in mine.

"If you want to stop at any point let me know and we'll stop ok." He said softly.

"Ok." I said. He waisted no time in smashing his lips to mine again. He slowly and carefully put me on my back and hovered over me. I removed his shirt and he did the same. He kissed down my neck sending shivers down my spine. He slipped off my pants and I did the same to him. He grabbed a condom and slid it on.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded.

"100%." I said. He kissed me again and entered me. I felt both pain and pleasure. I bit my lip to contain a moan. His movement were slow and loving. He wanted to make sure I knew damn well he loved me. I knew that he did. He cupped my breast and kissed my neck and my hands found there way into his hair. He groaned into my neck and I let out a moan not having time to bite it back this time. We did this for what felt like hours. Just showing each other just how much we love each other and after we both showered. We both laid down in his bed and he pulled me to him.

"I love you Skyler. With my whole fucking heart." He said.

" I love you too Colby. With my whole fucking heart." I said back. Suddenly he sat up with a bright smile.

"We should go get that tattooed on our wrist." He said. I chuckled and looked at the time. It was 2am.

"I don't think any tattoo parlor is open this late." I said down with the idea.

"I know of one. If your down." He said. I smiled at him and nodded my head. We both got dressed and left the house and got into his car.  When I seen he was right I laughed. We both went in and got it tattooed on our right wrists. What we both got was this: With my whole fucking heart. We both got this done and went home. We both stayed up and talked and cuddled before I knew it my brothers and dad were here and it was time for me to go. Everyone was going to meet us at the jet strip and say a final goodbye. I hugged everyone for like five minutes. I was hoping this would be a bit easier but I knew it wouldn't be. Finally I hugged Colby.

"Tell me when you land. I love you my queen." He said. I looked at him weirdly and laughed.

"What's with the new nickname?" I asked.

"Well it just took time to figure out which one fitted you best." He said with a huge smile. I smiled at him.

"Ok. I love you too my king and I'll call we when we land." I said. 

"Wait!" I heard Colby yell. He ran up to me and handed me a ring.

 He ran up to me and handed me a ring

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"I love you my queen." he said and kissed my head and ran back to where he was. I laugh at him and he smiled, I turned around and got on the plane.  As I got on the plain everything seemed like it was going to be ok. Everyone was shouting telling me to text and call and send pictures. I was laughing until I sat down but then it turned to crying and my twin held me. I knew this wasn't the end and I had to keep that in mind. I was going to be okay. I'll see them all soon. This wasn't goodbye. Soon enough I fell asleep on the plain.

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