Chapter 18

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Skyler's POV:

The next morning I woke up to the sound of talking and a hand being ran threw my hair softly. I curled further into Colby's chest. A small chuckle vibrated threw his chest.

"Morning baby." Colby said kissing my head.

"Morning." I said quietly into his chest wanting to go back to sleep in his warm embrace.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"9:15am" Nina said. I groaned and finally sat up seeing everyone still in the places they were last night. I finally checked Enzo's message from yesterday.

Fuckhead😂: Come to the house ASAP when you finally read this.

I groaned not wanting to but then again I could talk Justin and Nina into joining me along with Sam,Kat and Colby.

"So who wants to finally meet my brothers and papa?" I asked looking at Justin and Nina. They both shrugged.

"Sure." They both said. I asked Sam,Kat and Colby if they wanted to come. They agreed. We all agreed to meet back up at my house and go from there. Nina and Justin went back to there houses and did what they had to and Sam,Kat and Colby went back to the hotel they had but haven't been staying in.... And for me I showered and got dressed in my jeans and tank top with flannel. I went out of my room after getting dressed and told my brother where I was going and invited him but he declined. We finally all headed over to the house they have here. We rode in two separate cars. Justin and Nina rode with Colby and I and Sam and Kat drove behind us in there rental car. When we pulled up to the house and there was a gate but it was open. Both cars pulled in and we parked near the fucking water fountain. Why the fuck do they have a water fountain? As we all stepped out of the cars I started feeling very nervous. I don't know why.

"You sure you don't wanna turn around?" Nina asked looking concerned.

"Now or never I guess." I said with a small nervous chuckle. We all walked up to the door and I rang the door bell. Enzo was the one who opened the door and he looked nervous but also relieved everyone was here. Why would that put him at ease? So I couldn't leave right away? What the hell is going on? We all walked in and I introduced everyone to Nina and Justin. Or everyone so I thought. We all talked a bit and we were sitting down in the spacious living room.

"Skyler. I would like you to meet someone." My papa said standing up walking out of the living room. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ok?" I said slowly. Suddenly my brothers were on edge. I tightened my grip on Colby's hand and he squeezed my hand back. Suddenly my papa appeared with a women that I looked scarily like.

"I would like you to meet your birth mother Scarlett. Krystal was just the maid here and we were never really home when your siblings were small so she was like there mother. And you were with Dennis. They loved her. Until recently. " My papa said but it sounded muffled. My whole life was a lie. Everything was a lie. Krystal was never my birth mother.

"So where were you when I was here for four years?" I questioned looking at Scarlett.

"I can't tell you baby girl. I'm sorry. It's for your safety." She said. I scoffed and stood up. I looked back at Sam,Kat,and Colby. They all had there heads down. So they knew.

"Did you guys know?" I asked. They nodded there heads. Justin and Nina were now standing by me and Justin hand was near his knife. Ready to protect.

"And you didn't tell me? I opened up to y'all and you still didn't tell me?" I semi shouted.

"Sky it really is for your -" Colby started but I cut him off.

"Don't. Lets go." I said to Nina and Justin they nodded. We walked out the door.

"Give me your keys Sky I'll drive." Justin said. I nodded and handed him my keys. I sat in the back letting Nina have the front. We got back to my dads house. The car hadn't even stopped all the way and I jumped out and ran into my bedroom with Nina and Justin not far behind. My dad looked worried and I heard him start questioning Nina and Justin. I closed my door and slowly slid down it and everything crashed down at once. A sob came out if my throat. James wasn't even my half brother. I'm not related to anyone but the ones I'm mad at. What did they mean by my safety? They own businesses and night clubs and shit. Unless that's not all.  Does everybody know and just feel sorry? My mind is everywhere. I could feels the sobs raking my body. I could here my dads voice threw the door. I slowly stood up and opened it.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea. You shouldn't have to go threw this." He said and pulled me to him. My sobs got worse and I hugged him tighter. Soon enough I felt myself drifting from the world into a not so dreamless sleep....

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