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With both me and Calixto arriving in York New my eyes wandered from side to side as the two of us exited the airport.

"Soooo... What's the plan?" Yoru asked with a somewhat calm demeanor.

"for what?" he asked curiously

"It shouldn't take much effort, with just the two of us killing him should be a piece of cake," he said but the young reincarnator quickly put his hands over the other boy's mouth.

"Not so loud," Yoru said annoyance clearly on his face.

"I was asking how you intend on capturing him" Yoru corrected.

"The black market" he responded as though the answer couldn't be any more clearer.

"wait what!?" Yoru yelled in confusion. The people that walked by turned to him and he quickly covering his mouth in response.

"do you realize how guarded that place is are you trying to get us killed!?" I whispered to him and thought he was stupid, I refused to believe that he was at this level of stupidity though.

"No we won't attack during his purchases are the best choice of option is an attack when his security is spread most thin," he suggested and the reincarnator narrowed his eyes slightly at the plan.

"if we look in the right places we'll be able to figure out his routes and blindspots," the boy said once more.

'pretty effective assassin' Yoru thought to himself.

"where do you intend to get this info from?" Yoru asked again.

"Chantz has a pretty great source that he goes to pretty often follow me," the boy said running hurriedly. Yoru hesitantly followed after.


Within a few minutes of running, we arrived at a bar the inside was neat and dusted yet no one could be seen in sight. Though it made sense it was in a backway alley at the edge of York New.

My eyes wandered from side to side until they met that of the barkeep. A grey-haired Oldman continued cleaning the glass cup he had with a napkin.

"you're here without Chantz?" he questioned observing the blue-haired boy before scrutinizing me.

"yea we are!" Calixto said excitedly unaware of the tension the room had.

"And who exactly is that young boy with you" and as he said so I gulped nervously.

"Oh this is Yoru, Yoru meets Oldman Gean" the boy introduced us.

"oh please I'm not that old" the oldman defended.

"you kinda are last time I checked" Calixto immediately responded and any bit of pride Gean had seemed to have been shattered by him.

"have you seen this guy around or heard anything about him?" Caxlixto asked pulling the sheet of paper out for the bartender to examine.

"Seems like a mission where you'd need Elowens judgment are you sure you can handle it with just you and that boy?" he questioned my eyes turned over to Calixto who only smiled at his question.

"if it's just the two of us you'll hear about that man's dead body on the news!" Calixto said eagerly.

'what type of psycho did Chantz raise' I thought to myself

"Well if you're here for info the only thing I got on this Nando you're after is that he passes by a street 9 miles from here depending on the purchase," the barkeep told.

"As It turns out the police are becoming more and more intuitive, in other words, people like him have to be more cautious and are, therefore..." the barkeep explained.

"...more restricted to certain areas..." I finished I looked up at the Oldman who nodded at my answer. 

"is that why this bar is so empty?" I asked in.

"part of the reason, most people that were once regular visitors don't come at all due to the visitors I receive, murderers, assassins and hunters" he explained my eyes twitched slightly at the hunter bit.

"hold on a sec I'm not trying to assume here... But has he by any chance visited your bar for info" I asked curiously the old man turned over to me and simply nodded at my question. the fact that he had so much info on the man now made sense.

I held my hand to my chin looking over at Calixto who seemed to nod in agreement hunting for Nando would be too rash observing him for a time would be better and put us at less risk especially with that ability he's said to have.

"Oldman Gean-san!" I said getting his full attention what I wanted to know was why someone like him was doing such as job. I may not have spent that much time in this world but he would've been the last person I would've expected to run a business.

"Why did you decide to join this style of work I--" he simply laughed cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Sometimes in life.... things don't quite go the way you want them to... when I was younger I wanted to be a hunter, it was my dream and my goal so when I failed what did I do...? rather than trying again or putting in more work I simply gave up, and things only started to spiral down from there, I found some solace in this bar but that was short-lived, gangs and criminals became more prominent and the money I had earned earnestly wasn't enough to restart in a better area. rather than trying I gave in and became something similar to a bard for criminals at this point in my life change is impossible. So here's a word of advice for you kids from this Oldman so you don't end up being as much of a failure as I am. In order for you to succeed your desire for success should be greater than that of failure, it's something people these days don't know, every bit of effort you put in and all your hard work will all be pointless if you don't believe in yourself and are already ready to fail when it comes to anything you're working on your mental state and mindset are most important" he finished and all that he had stated made sense to me I was confident in my abilities and talent but I'd always questioned myself. would I really be able to save Kaito? or anybody else or would the change I cause just make things worse? all these doubts needed to go away.

"Thanks!" I said loudly Calixto turned over to me in response and the Gean simply smiled

I will save Kaito and prevent Gons transformation!

hopefully, Netero saw the notes I left.

And I hope Pokkle listens to my warning on the Chimera ants.

AN:quotes guy sensei said to rock lee when he couldn't beat Neji

havent uploaded in a while so sorry about the short chapter

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