[Unbeknownst] Awareness of Attachment

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Warning - there will be some **disturbing stuffs** in this story like ANYTHING, so read it at your risk or do not read it all. Thanks.

(Anime Various X Reader)
"I had been alive for so long ever since I am inside my version of fourteen-year-old's body. Currently, I am seventeen-year-old and pretty much the time passes by without me acknowledge it. So, my name is (name) (surname), also I'm known as—"

**currently Anime destination: Seven Deadly Sins**

Chapter #1
"Is your tavern open?"

His emerald orbs try to look into my (color) eyes; he seems to be searching for something and I just stare at somewhere else. "Heh, yeah, come in!"

"Do you have any alcoholic precise Bernia Ale?"

He grabs some stuff to prepare a drink for me while I look through the window. Then he places the wooden barrel mug before me, I take a sip and acknowledge that my drink is not alcohol. I give that look after I place my drink down when I consume one, and single drop from my mug.
"It's water," I stated. I close my eyes and I could feel something strange feeling radiating out from him. I open my eyes and see his visage in front of mine's.
He moves back and jumps over the counter that he previously was behind it.
Suddenly, he picks me up in bride style.
"What are you doing?" I calmly keep my composure as he closes his eyes.
"You will see," he said. He went upstairs and opens the door to reveal bedroom then set me down afterward. I stare at the bed; inside I feel frightening, but it never shows on the outside and the bed gives off a bad omen that I never felt it before. Of course, I had my back to him.
"I'm fourteen-year-old," I stated my age to him for no particularly reason.
"You will stay here,"
"Say, again?"
"You heard me," he replied. I hear the door closes behind me and lock noise, too. I face the door and stated, "you know you cannot keep me in here forever."
I heard nothing at all. I sighed and find a place to lay down to rest instead of that bed, of course ...My (color) eye turns into deeper shade of blue before I voluntary take a short nap.

Couple of hours past by since he locked me in here; the bedroom. I already wake up from my nap.
I just want to drink Bernia Ale ...

But, he would not serves me one since I looked like a youngster.

The door unlocks and reveal himself; Meliodas. He has some interesting past life, but not some.
"I thought by now you are asleep."
He chuckled and look at me then said something that make me want to said no instantly. But, he takes a surprise turn.
"I want you to work for Boar Hat and me."

"Hahah! You want me to work in your tavern—" I laughed, not really I mean is he serious? Who is he thinking?
I cannot believe him for thinking such a little thing. I cannot help myself, but to laugh even more.
"I'm serious," he still smiles. I wipe my laughter's tears and ...

"Do I really need to wear this?" I look at the outfit on my arm. Meliodas close his emerald orbs and said, "yes."
He shows me his emerald orbs, again.
I sighed, "Where's bathroom?"

I sighed for billion times and wonder about what will happens next in Boar Hat when I became new waitress.
It's not that much too revealing ...I feel a bit warmer.
Men chattering along themselves and thumps are made as they bump their wooden barrel mugs together as if they are celebrating today. Of course, they are containing with refreshing beer like for instant Bernia Ale.
Geez, it's so hard to resist to try out Bernia Ale!!!

"Heey, girly! Could you bring me some beerz over here?" The man speak in his most drunk, less hiccuping vocal. He barely can held himself. I appealing smile at him as I said in my sweet, honey voice to him.
"I'm coming!"
For unknown reasons, some eyes stick on my form for too long. Like they are not delight at what they are seeing, they want to pull me away and said something or ANYTHING to make me elsewhere from men.
I place the wooden barrel mug in front of him as he said, "thank you."
I quickly take his empty beverage and set it on the sliver plate. I heard a lot of comments when I walked pass some men to another man from across the room who ask for refill. I replace with another beverage that is fuller.
"OoOh, she's beauty!"
"Is she taken?"
"If she is taken, her man must be lucky to have her,"
"She's new waitress,"
"I would appreciate if she shows more cleavages,"
I hear some whistles here and there. As more comments piled up, someone familiar speak up. Still ...
"You know, she is my wife,"
No men could hear who especially someone said that phrase as if it can stop these men from their remarks since many men cause so much ruckus.
While I ignored these men's remarks, I natively think nothing of it. The drunken man was glance at my covered bosoms like he is having thoughts what my breasts would look like when uncover. I then heard a whistle coming from someone in the back.

Suddenly, a smack was heard. Everyone in tavern turn at where the smack came from while I freeze upon the process. Then Meliodas try so hard to held his anger from eruption like a volcano, he calmly speaks;
"Everybody get out,"

All men nervously or not nervously chuckled and left the tavern, additionally leave behind some tips or full pay.
"Not good," Hawk who silently watched the scenario and I met him after I finished up placing my outfit on me. He seems awfully quiet since my information stated he's ego and can be annoying easily ...What else?
Well, he gets scared when someone or something is stronger than him.

Meliodas glared at Hawk as the pink pig cowering in return.
Like I said ...

"Can you please kindly pick all payments up," he removes his glare away from Hawk and puts on more happier visage for me while he tries to forget what just happened. Then he added, "after you done, go to the bedroom we met at." He jumps over the counter and walk to upstairs with his both hands into his pockets, but before he could continues. He waited for my reply for so long since I only see his back and not his front. I was staring at his back for more than one minute.
"Are you going to respond or—"
"Oh, of course,"
I began to collect one by one payment while my back is immediately shown to him, but I swear I felt him looking down then up or it is just me?
"Can you help her, Hawk." Meliodas ordered, Hawk briskly went up to me as Meliodas go up with his back to us once, again.

"Here you go," We finished collect all payments. I place the last payment on plate that I stripped it around his belly. "Do you need help, Hawk?" I asked, my thoughts immediately connected when I think.
Of course, he needs help because I was the one who stripped the plate holder on his back ...

"No need, Lord Hawk will do it!" Hawk exclaimed, he walks over to the counter and gives off starter jumps, but not too high like the counter's height.
"Maybe I can help you ..?" I trembled, Hawk said, "Okay ..."
I unstripped the plate holder and place it upon the counter.
"You can take break,"
"What are you going to do?"
"Well, I want to pick up all beverages," I answered him.
I guess I feel very comfortable with Hawk.

"Then let's me help you! It's not fair that you work your butt off while I take a break," Hawk reasoned, I look at him like it was the first time he said it. He said, "What?"
"Oh, nothing, you might have a point," I smiled, Hawk suddenly do not understand what I meant. I ignored it.
"Might?! Okay, what do you mean 'might'?!"

"Let's clean up the tables and beverages," I said, but Hawk look at me like I did something so wrong and said this;
"Now, you're changing subject,"

"We can still talk while I'm grabbing beverages off the tables," I stated, I was about to grab the handle.
"Can at least help you—" Hawk halt his sentence as I stop what I was doing for a moment. I turn to see why Hawk stop talking and I knew why.

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