Chapter 6

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"Hey Elena. Is there a bathroom here?" I ask her.

We're still at the grill. Elena,Bonnie, and I are dancing. Caroline is God knows where.

"Yeah follow me." I follow her towards the back of the grill.

When we reach the bathroom she opens the door and we find Caroline and Matt in there.

We caught them making out.

"Ahh, umm sorry." Elena says turning around to look at me.

"Sorry Payton and Elena," Caroline says as Elena closes the door.

We both start laughing.

"Well I can hold it a little while longer," I say between laughs.

We make our way back to the dance floor.

"I wouldn't." Elena tells Bonnie. Bonnie's walking towards the bathroom.

They start laughing and walking away.

I know I said that I could hold it. But I've really got to pee.

I walk towards the bathrooms again. I look at the boys bathroom.

"Girls got to do what a girls got to do," I whisper to myself.

I open the door. It's actual clean.
And empty, which is a plus.

I walk into the first stall. I close the door behind me. It's a clean toilet but I don't sit on it. I squat.

While I'm in the middle of peeing the power goes out.

"Great." I say wiping myself.

I get up and flush. When I open the stall door I smell something weird.

I ignore it and wash my hands.

When I finish washing my hands I exit the bathroom and get the surprise of my life.

That smell is fire because the building is on fire.

"Elena!" I scream.

Everybody's trying to get out. But the doors aren't opening.

I cough. My lungs feel like they're on fire.

I look around for Elena, but I can't find her. I turn and see Caroline.

She's screaming and holding her head.

"Caroline!" I yell. I try to make my way to her but I'm thrown against a wall.

Unimaginable pain shoots through my body.

I scream. I look up and see Matt punching a man. The man breaks a bottle and shoves the bottle in his throat.

"Matt! Matt no!" Caroline yelps.

What the hell did I just walk into. Everything was moving so fast.

I try to get up but I can't move. I think something is broken.

I watch as the man walks towards the exit. He steps over top of me and leaves.

When he's gone I try to crawl towards Caroline. Each time I try to move pain shoots up my spine.

"Elena!" I cry out. I look around but I can't find her.

"Caroline," I try to scream, but the pain is to much to bare. I can barely speak.

Tears are flooding down my cheeks. Something is definitely broken.

"Payton!" Caroline cries out.

I muster enough energy to talk, "I'm here." I scream.

She looks at me. But I don't have time to say anything else. Because I pass out.

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