Chapter 8

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I lay upside down on the couch. I can feel myself getting light headed. But I ignore this feeling.

Katherine is dancing all over the loft. She's got a bottle of bourbon in her hand, and music blasting throughout the house.

The fact that she can dance through a situation like this, is astounding.

I look up at the front door as the doorknob jiggles.

I quickly sit in a upright position. Katherine speeds over and sits next to me. I quickly snatch the bottle of bourbon from her and sit it on the coffee table.

Klaus finally gets the door open and looks over at us.

"You mind turning that down?" He asks clearly annoyed.

I reach for the radio remote, that's sitting on the coffee table. I turn the music down.

"Why so grumpy?" I ask him cautiously.

"This body has outlived its usefulness." He says even more annoyed.

"Do you want a drink?" Katherine asks him. She picks the bottle up and walks towards him. Dumb move Kat.

He snaps his neck to look at her smirking face. "No Katerina I don't want a drink."

"Come on it'll loosen you up." She says shaking the bottle.

Klaus snatches the bottle from her and throws it a little too close to my head.

"What the-" I look back over at the two of them and quickly close my mouth. Klaus grabs Katherine aggressively and looks her in her eyes.

"What I want is for you to sit down and shut up." He compels her.

If only he knew she's on vervain.

Katherine turns and sits back down next to me. I grab her hand in reassurance, only to be flooded with fear. Fear that isn't's hers.

Thankfully the front door opens again and Maddox walks in. Klaus turns around and focuses his attention on him.

"Maddox what took you so long?"He asks him.

"Sorry you've got a lot of luggage." Like clockwork a bunch of people start walking in with boxes. One of the boxes is so big I could fit inside it.

In walks a girl that looks about my age. She dark skinned and has curly brown hair. She doesn't take her eyes off Klaus.

"Greta. Finally!" Klaus exclaims.

"Hello love." She says hugging him tightly. "Nice body." She tells him admiring Alaric's body. "Ready to get out of it?"

"Mmhmm." Klaus says nodding.

My heart drops. Klaus is going back into his original body? This must mean he's ready to do the ritual.

I can feel my legs shaking with fear. I'm going to die soon...

My breath becomes shaky. I try to regain control over it, but it's no use. Before I know it everything's gone black.


My eyes widen. I'm laying in dirt....

All I feel I's like when you have the flu, but 10 times worse. It's hard to breath and i can't move my body. I look around, trying to profile where I was.

I see trees, and it's a bit chilly. I'm in the woods. But I don't think I'm alone, because I hear voices. I can't detect who's talking only that somebody is.

I begin coughing. I turn on my side and spit out a disgusting amount of blood. I see Elena and Jenna sitting a few yards away from me.

"Elena?" I ask raspy. Somethings off, the way Jenna's looking at me. Like I'm a juicy piece of stake.

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