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Twenty years old and a virgin.

Not as big a deal as you'd think it is.

Though, to be honest, I didn't think I'd ever have sex, so yeah...

I mean, it wasn't really something I felt I had to do.

Never really interested me either.

But I guess it's just one of those things- you meet the right person and bam! Suddenly all you can think about is what it would be like to touch their skin, taste their scent, feel their heat...

I'm not sure at what point I started to feel that way about Asheton but I guess somewhere along the way of this crazy journey with him the thoughts sort of just... manifested. And with all the shit going on they never really had the chance to fully bloom to the surface where I could notice them-

Until now, that is.

Now, despite the thin layer of embarrassment and slight denial still simmering beneath my skin, all I could think about was tearing his fucking clothes off.

Ironic, huh?

I used to give him all kinds of hell for all of his sexual advances.

All those deep dark thoughts, the fantasies, and shit- they were all fans to fuel the flames of my anger, once upon a time.

And yet, here I was, falling prey to those very same things!


And to top it off, Asheton, well, he wasn't making things any easier either.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Cash?"

I rolled my eyes at the blatant concern clouding Asheton's beautiful features as he hovered over me.

At some point, he'd moved us to the edge of the massive bed and after what felt like a blissful eternity of slow languid kisses, I'd somehow ended up flat on my back, peering up at the beautiful figure that was Rio Asheton.

His cheeks were flushed a bright scarlet red, his eyes glassy and desperate with desire. Even his arms, pinned to each side of my head, trembled with need.

And yet, oozing such thick hunger as he was, he still managed to worry over my well-being?

Could he be any more perfect?!

Biting back the smirk tugging at my lips, I cocked my head to the side and gazed up at him. "Well, I don't know," I started thoughtfully. "It's just, this here is a bit uncomfortable..."

I swear his eyes widened to twice their normal size when I reached out and touched a hand to the tight bulge at the front of his shorts.

With a groan, he squeezed his eyes tight. "Cash," he managed to squeeze out in a strained voice. "P-please," A few droplets of sweat splashed onto my cheek as he trembled above me.

"See?" I said, running a nail down the impossible length of the throbbing bulge pressing against my hand. "Un-com-for-ta-ble."

He gasped then, his voice a sharp inhalation of air as the word "Jesus!" burst from his lips from the gentle squeeze of my hand. His face contorted into that of agonizing desperation as he nearly collapsed on top of me when his arms buckled.

By the time he managed to catch his breath, his face, now cast in sharp-edged shadows, was completely covered in a thin layer of sweat. And his heavy-lidded gaze as it bore into me was glassy and practically glowing a deep shade of electric blue.

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