Past Pregnancy (Month 6)

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Zoro took a shaky inhale as he sunk onto the small couch in his modest living room area. His hands drifted to his heavy belly, feeling for the gentle kicks that had started up at the beginning of the week.

He let out a deep breath as he cupped his underbelly. The baby was growing so fast now that it was almost as if he could see his stomach inch outwards each day.

His back and hips were sore from the growing weight of his baby bump, causing him to lounge around the apartment in various positions as he tried to find a comfy way to lay down or sit. Although it was late into the pregnancy, he swore his stomach finally popped fully, sitting out heavy and round from the rest of him.

Zoro didn't dare go outside anymore, becoming more withdrawn from society as his body grew with the baby. Even from work at the daycare, it was just too obvious now. Even if no one has ever really seen a pregnant man, it was better to be safe then sorry.

He adjusted the plush pillows surrounding him before laying down with one hugged against his belly. His body melted into the soft cushions with a satisfied sigh, grateful that he didn't have to continue to reposition to be comfy. Just as he felt himself fully melt into the couch, his stomach rumbled with hunger.

"Nooo." Zoro groaned into the pillow under his head. He rubbed a hand over the peak of his belly from beneath the pillow. Sure enough, a few small taps from the inside pushed against his hand as the baby reacted to the rumbling.

Being hungry all the time was not helping anything, especially not the level of comfort he was able to find after several tries.

As much as he tried to fight it, Zoro couldn't get enough of his favorite pregnancy craving: sweet cinnamon rolls with melted cheddar cheese on top. He's caught himself going overboard with the cheese a few times but it couldn't be helped. What the baby wants, the baby gets.

It took a few attempts to get off the couch after pushing himself up from laying down but he managed it and took a moment to breathe before wandering over to the kitchen.

That craving was forcing itself upon him again, the anticipation of getting to eat it making his mouth water. After the cheese was cut and put on top of a fresh roll, it was popped into the microwave where Zoro eagerly watched it melt and ooze all over the pastry as his hands idly rubbed along his rounded bump.

He knew junk food like this wasn't good for him but it was getting really hard to control his appetite at this point.

When the food was done cooking the way he liked it, Zoro took the plate out of the microwave and grabbed a fork to go enjoy his coveted treat.

He landed heavily back onto his couch and turned on the tv, feeling lazy and round. The big cinnamon roll didn't last long in the face of mindless eating and was gone before he knew it, leaving some dissatisfaction at not having more. At least his stomach wasn't complaining anymore.

Zoro ran both hands over his belly, a blush on his cheeks as he thought about how how the quietness inside him must mean that his baby was napping.

Speaking of naps, Zoro let the tv lull him into a sleepy haze. All the pillows that surrounded him were very comfortable and made it feel like he was resting on a cloud. His own gentle touch put him to sleep.


It was a while later when a knock at the door roused him from his nap. Zoro awoke with a yawn, hands still resting on his stomach and feeling comfy where he was.

There was another knock on his door which made Zoro groan before struggling to get up from his fluffy nest on the couch. If it was a stranger standing on the other side then he wasn't planning on opening the door.

He peeked out to see his familiar doctor friend and unlocked his door to let him in.

"Hey Zoro! How are you feeling?" Chopper greeted him cheerfully. From what the small doctor could see, his friend was very healthy and following his instructions on the pills he gave him.

"Sleepy." Zoro shut the door behind him before continuing as they walked further into his apartment. "Baby's started kicking recently and it feels weird." His hands cupped the curve of his belly as he spoke, feeling a little embarrassed about how he must look to Chopper.

Chopper gasped and smiled. "That's great news! It means your baby is right on track and is super healthy." He grew to his big form and reached for Zoro but paused right before his big hands made contact. "Can I feel how you're doing?"

Zoro's blush darkened as he watched those hands reach for his clothed belly. He gave a nod of consent and had to hold back an embarrassed groan as Chopper rolled up his top.

Chopper gently palpated his domed belly, feeling for any problems or knots under the skin. The only minor concern he could find was the more then necessary amount of padding around his heavy belly, pointing to a sedentary lifestyle over the past couple months and unhealthy diet. It wasn't substantial but Chopper was determined to make sure Zoro and his baby were healthy and comfortable for the duration of the pregnancy.

"Hmm, I think it would be good for you to start going for daily walks. I know you probably don't want to go outside but it would be a really healthy activity to keep you and the baby feeling great."

Zoro sighed at that, knowing it was true. He'd been hiding in the safety of his home being lazy and feeling fat and had been putting off exercises since he found that his toes were hard to see over the curve of his belly.

"Okay, I'll start doing that." Zoro mumbled, not at all looking forward to people looking at him.

"Other than that, you seem really healthy and everything seems to be in order with how many months in the pregnancy is." Chopper started packing his stuff up. "I have to go back to the hospital but feel free to call me if you need anything Zoro!"

Chopper walked back out of the door, leaving Zoro to himself once again. It was starting to get dark outside which would be the perfect shroud to cover his growing belly for that walk Chopper wanted him to do.

Zoro figured what he was wearing was fine since he had outgrown most of his clothes at this point. Even the jeans he got last month were starting to feel tight against his sensitive underbelly which made him reluctant to wear them. After grabbing his phone and keys and a short wrestling session to squeeze his feet into his shoes, Zoro walked out of the door and locked it behind him.

He hadn't walked much for a while so he was a little surprised at how much his walk had turned into a slight waddle. He really was growing pretty round and heavy and he could feel it as he made his way out of the building.

The chilly air made him shiver a little but he started his leisurely walk around the block.

The hairs on the back of his neck were raised after a few minutes and he felt a cold chill go down his spine before a rag was clamped over his mouth and nose with strong arms restraining him.

His body weakened and sagged as his heart thundered in his chest, blacking out a few seconds later.

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