Night Out

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Sanji sighed happily as he stared out at the crowds of people eating his cooking. It has been an incredibly busy day with a line forming through the door of his restaurant with even more people flooding to the entrance to have a taste of his food. The Baratie was the most well known place in the city to grab a delicious bite to eat.

There was a sudden crash behind him, followed by a litany of curses and resounding smacks, making Sanji grin stupidly. He loved his staff too.

"Luffy! Would you stop trying to grab the plate I'm working on?!" Came Ussop's shrill shriek.

"But Ussooooop I'm hungry and you're taking soooo long to finish." Luffy drawled at him.

"You can't rush perfection Luffy, the great chef Ussop will always please his customers with his majesty!"

Sanji shook his head. "Guys, the lovely lady is waiting for her food so hurry up." Quality was one of their shining features but even he was getting impatient with their bickering. Nami came up behind him and patted his shoulder.

"Sanji's right, get that plate out there. We're losing money on you idiots going so slow!"

Said chef turned around in an instant and started noodling around her. "Nami-swannnnn~! Your anger is especially charming today!" He finished by kneeling and kissing the back of her hand.

Nami laughed at his usual antics before waving him off and walking away back to her office. "Make sure to not get distracted too Sanji."

Sanji couldn't help the sigh that slipped from him as he watched her disappear through the door.

The woman in line was finally served by "The Great Chef Ussop" and bid him her thank you with the money owed.

Ussop waved her goodbye with a wide smile as he deposited the money in the cash register. He turned around to go back to cooking some more food (recipes learned from Sanji of course) but paused when he saw the longing face that the blonde was making.

"Sanji? Something on your mind?" Ussop asked as he took up his frying pan again. There was a huge line so there was no time to be idle while chatting.

The head chef hummed thoughtfully.

"Not sure." Sanji whisked the batter of a cake the next customer requested. "Do you have a girlfriend Ussop?"

The long nosed cook was a bit taken aback by the randomness of the question but puffed his chest out proudly. "Yeah! Her name is Kaya and she's super awesome. So sweet and caring. Oh hey! Maybe I could introduce you to her sometime! I'm sure you two would get along, she also likes cooking some food here and there so that's something to relate on."

"I see. Kaya does sound like a beautiful lady," The blonde poured the batter into a tin and put it in the oven. "One that I would love to have the pleasure of meeting." He ended his reply with a rather perverted face.

Luffy started laughing at that. "Sanji has the creepy face again!" He narrowly dodged the rolling pin that the head chef was holding when it came flying in his direction, running out of the kitchen and laughing like a mad man.

"That moron better keep his shitty thoughts to himself next time or he'll have a shoe so far up his ass there'll be scuff marks on his tongue!" Sanji yelled.

Ussop cringed at that but suddenly lit up with an idea. "Hey maybe after work we can go somewhere? Maybe find a suitable lady for the head chef of the Baratie?" He waggled his eyebrows at the blonde. "I know a great place we could go too. It's got a really fancy looking bar and good food besides just alcohol. The bar tender is a really cool guy too. I bet he might be able to point out some eligible bachelorettes."

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