Beautiful Baby

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Zoro smiled as he entered his apartment, Sanji in tow. He took off his sandals by the entrance and motioned for the blonde to do the same with his shiny leather shoes.

"Ah, there you are Zoro. I was just putting Mikayu to bed if you wanted to say goodnight." Robin came out of the door that was the farthest down the small hallway to the right of the entrance.

"Thanks Robin. Hope everything is okay at home." Zoro smiled and the hard frown he usually wore relaxed, eye softening at the mention of his child.

The dark haired woman nodded with a fond smile. "We hired a babysitter to take care of them for the day until I get back. Hope you had a lovely outing, you deserve it after all this time." She noticed Sanji behind him.

"Hello Sanji-san. I was unaware that you knew Zoro-kun." Robin flashed the blonde a knowing smile.

"Hm you know this guy? He fell on my ch-chest at the bar I went to, clumsy dumbass." Zoro's cheeks reddened. Sanji rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at that.

Robin chuckled. "My, I bet that must have been rather uncomfortable what with your child still needing from you." Her eyes slid to the blonde chef. "I do hope that you two had a nice time there."

Zoro hugged her before entering the pink bedroom that held his beautiful baby girl.

Sanji stared after him, not entirely sure what was going on. Robin met his visible ocean blue eye with her own cerulean gaze.

"I imagine coming into Zoro's home has caused some confusion." She smiles with a glance back at the somewhat open door to the child's bedroom, listening to the faint tune of the lullaby that was being sung by a soft baritone voice.

The blonde chef cleared his throat after he sat down on the light green fuzzy couch in the main room with Robin in one of the two white chairs facing inwards towards a coffee table.

"So...." Sanji began. "Zoro had a kid with some woman and she dumped it on him?" He was also rather confused about the deal with his chest.

Robin studied him for a moment before answering. "No. As far as I know, he's never expressed any sort of interest in any female. Sanji, can I ask you something?" Her features became more serious suddenly.

The look in her eyes creeped the blonde out a bit. "Y-Yeah of course." Although he was a little afraid of what she wanted to ask him.

"How much do you care about him?" Her expression melted a bit to show worry.

Why does she look worried?

"I haven't known the mosshead for long but...I can't shake this feeling I have. Even though he's a guy, my heart kinda speeds up a bit when I'm near him." Sanji sighed as he sunk into the back of the couch. "I don't know what's wrong with me, women aren't as exciting or as gorgeous as they used to be."

Robin seemed satisfied with this answer, a smile spreading her lips.

"No woman was ever involved with Mikayu beyond me taking care of her just for today since about 7 months ago when Zoro brought her into the world." Her cerulean eyes grew distant in memory. "I still remember how happy he was to have his baby in his arms after 10 long months."

Sanji gaped at her. "W-What? You're telling me that marimo gave birth?!!" He had to keep himself quieter so he wouldn't disturb the far room's occupants. "Men don't pop out babies, there's no parts down there for that. You know that too. This has to be a lie." The blonde shifted to sit with one leg perched on the other. "There wouldn't even be a chance for something like that to happen with all the stupid laws in place."

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