Past Pregnancy (Month 3)

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I've been looking up real stuff about pregnancy for this story so it makes it really trying and off putting to write the next chapter after reading about everything that happens during a specific month. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Sorry for the long pause but here's another chapter. Enjoy :)

Zoro fingered the shallow cup of his navel in front of the bathroom mirror. A delicate healthy glow lit up the apples of his cheeks.

He sighed as he studied his fuller form, silver eye sparkling with happiness. Morning sickness had faded away about a week ago thank goodness so the green haired male's appetite was back with a vengeance.

A soft layer of fat resulted along his belly, hips, and thighs from the increase in eating, to his great embarrassment. Zoro tenderly rubbed at the slight baby bump sloping outwards beneath his pectorals.

The abdominal muscles that were there were buried beneath plush flesh, giving his rounded stomach a smooth appearance.

The faint dark line running from his belly button to his pubic bone bothered him since he had never seen it before upon his figure. At least the baby seemed to be healthy.

Zoro grabbed the oversized fuzzy white sweatshirt off his bed and yanked it over his head, the bottom of it draping over the open flaps of his biggest pair of jeans. They were just too tight over the green haired male's sensitive waist to be done up now.

His silver gaze met the clock.

"Shoot, I'm going to be late!" Zoro grabbed a couple slices of bread and started shoving big bites into his mouth as he almost flew out the door, not forgetting his wallet and keys.

After finishing the bread and brushing his hands across his pants, he climbed into his car and jammed in the key to start driving to the daycare center. Zoro fidgeted in his seat a little on his way to work. He was worried about what everyone would think if they saw his new baby weight. The green haired male was always looked at as the buff coworker out of the staff.

What would they think if he grew a belly?

He was already just beginning to fill out so he didn't look the same as he always did even if he was wearing baggy clothes. The jeans hugging his waist weren't very baggy though and were slightly cutting into his softened stomach and somewhat straining around his bottom and thighs.

Zoro pulled into a parking spot in front of the cheerful looking building and shut off his car. He rested his forehead against the wheel and took a moment to breathe.

Here goes nothing.

He let out a big exhale before getting out of the safety of the vehicle and walked up to the rainbow plastered door of the stout building. Zoro pushed his way inside.

"Good morning Zoro!" The woman at the reception desk greeted him. Clara. Clara knew him pretty well from their time working together so he was expecting a comment somewhere from her.

But fortunately, she didn't look at him for long and went back to staring at her computer. "The children in room 3 are waiting for their favorite person so have fun." She smiles while she is still staring at her computer as she types. "There are a couple parents who want to talk to you before they leave so maybe prepare yourself for them too."

Zoro nodded as he started walking towards his assigned room. When he entered, all the little toddlers mobbed him with a giggly shriek.

"Mr. Roronoa is here!" They shouted and laughed.

The green haired male smiled and did his best to hug them all.

"I hope you guys are ready to have some fun today." He laughed when they all either nodded yes or jumped with excitement.

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