Meet Your Tutors: The Quintessential Quintuplets

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Eddy and his mother shared a apartment complex with Fuutarou and his father. 

Eddy and Fuutarou's younger siblings Mahli, Malcolm, and Raiha, played games and did kid things. 

When Eddy and Fuutarou returned home, they were met by the biggest surprise of their lives. 

Isanari said: Welcome home boys. Meet your new tutors. Ichika. Nino. Miku. Yostuba. Itsuki. They are Quintuplets and Mimi and I hired them to help you boys out with your studies. 

Fuutarou and Eddy in their minds: 

The Quintuplets: Hello boys!

Fuutarou and Eddy: You cannot be serious. 

Mimi said: Oh we are. Listen, you boys don't want to repeat the eighth grade do you? Don't you all want to graduate and go to high school? Well, if you both do then that's the reason why they are here. The girls are already in their second year of high school and with their knowledge they would be able to-

Eddy: Seriously? You and Mr. Isanari couldn't find anyone else?

Mimi and Isanari: Eh?

Fuutarou: Surely there had to be others out there more qualified than these girls. And why 5 of them have to tutor us? Why not one of them? 

Eddy: Yeah, good thing to bring up Fuutarou. What's your game ladies? Fess up!

Yostuba said to Eddy: Hey...I know you!

Eddy cocked a brow.

Yotsuba: You and Fuutarou were playing basketball weren't you?

Fuutarou:....So that explains the chill that ran down your spine. 


Isanari: We have to go to work. So you get along with your tutors alright?

Mimi: We'll find out if you both did anything we wouldn't do. So if you both are wise, you will let these girls help with your studies. Understand?

Fuutarou and Eddy paled and replied: Yes Ma'am. 

Mimi nods and says to the Quintuplets: Don't do anything teen girls do. We will know. 

Isanari: What she said. See you guys later. 

Now it was the girls left with the boys and their siblings. 

Eddy: Our parents are acting very weird. You noticed?

Fuutarou: Yeah. Like husband and wife. Hey...If that means what I think it means. Then that means....

Eddy gasped and said in unison with Fuutarou: We get to be brothers!

Eddy: Awesome!

Itsuki: Ahem!

Fuutarou: Oh. Right. We forgot that you girls were here. Listen up, we don't need your help. We can do our homework on our own. 

Eddy: Yeah what he said.

Itsuki: Oh its not like we don't believe that. But we were hired to make sure you boys get the tutoring that you need. And that is exactly what is going to happen here. No ifs. No ands. And no buts. 

Eddy and Fuutarou snickered.

Eddy said: You said Buts. 

Itsuki blushed as Ichika, who was supposed to be the oldest, giggled.

Ichika said: I like this one. 

Nino: Look here twerp, you will respect us and honor our knowledge. For it was given to us by the heavens. 

Fuutarou: Oh yeah? High school girls with knowledge? Please. The only thing high school girls are known for is being in dirty movies and talking to chads. 

Eddy nods as Nino cocked a brow before realizing what they were talking about.

Nino: You little pigs! Not all girls are like that!

Eddy and Fuutarou: Little pigs huh? Well Oink-Oink to you too.

Miku: Hmm? Does anyone knows where Yotsuba is?

Eddy pointed.

There was Yotsuba.

Playing with the younger siblings of Eddy and Fuutarou. 

The girls sighed and said: Of course. 

The Quintessential Quintuplets AUWhere stories live. Discover now