Don't Bully Eddy Miss Nagatoro/Part 2

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After homeroom and other class periods that followed, Eddy and Fuutarou were found in the library. 

They were waiting for the Quintuplets to meet with them so they could start their study group. 

Coming into the Library?

None other than Nagatoro. 

Maki Gamou.



Fuutarou saw them and said to Eddy: Oh no. here they come. 

Eddy said: What are you girls doing here?

Nagatoro: What are you doing here?

Fuutarou: Don't tell them!

Gamo-chan: Don't tell us what?

Yoshi: Don't tell us what? 

Eddy: Its no big deal Fuutarou. They would find out eventually. 

The girls: Find out what?

Eddy: See, Fuutarou and I have tutors. The Quintessential Quintuplets. They helped us with our studies and got us into high school. 

Nagatoro: They're girls aren't they?

Eddy: Yes. 

Gamo-Chan: Hot girls?

Eddy: You girls made that sound like there's competition. Don't tell me....Oh....Bullies have hearts. 

Nagatoro: Shut up!

Eddy: Sh... We are in a Library.

Nagatoro: Oops. I mean, Shut up. 

Eddy: But is it true though? Don't lie. 

Fuutarou: Eddy where is this side of you coming from?

Eddy: I dunno. I'm just happy that's all. I mean, we went to the west coast. New York and Cali. It was refreshing for me.

The girls: You guys been to America?

Eddy: I am actually from America. But yeah we went. It was a school trip.

Sakura: It must have costed a fortune. How was your school able to pay it all?

Fuutarou: They saved all their funding for this trip. This was a reward if we all graduated. 

Gamo-chan: What school what this?

Eddy: Nihongo Middle School.

Fuutarou: Its pretty preppy. 

Yoshi: Preppy but rich!

Sakura sat beside Eddy. She said: So these girls help you and Fuutarou with your studies?

Eddy nodded. Fuutarou said: In the beginning we hated it. But now its starting to grow on us. We actually enjoy being around them. 

Eddy: Yeah Fuutarou especially. See he's got a thing for-

Yotsuba: Eddy!

The Librarian: Inside voices please!

Yotusba: Oops. Eddy. 

Eddy: Hi Yotsuba. Yotsuba these are our new classmates. Naga. Sakura-chan. Gamo-chan. Yoshi. Girls this is Yotsuba. She's one of the Quintuplets Fuutarou and I told you girls about. 

Yotsuba: Hiya. 

 Nagatoro: She's just your tutor? Right?

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 Nagatoro: She's just your tutor? Right?

Eddy: Yes. Why are you Jealous?

Nagatoro: As if! You're the last person I would ever wanna be seen with!

Eddy: Yet you and the girls bullied me all today. And you just couldn't keep your hands off of me or my hair. 

Nagatoro: Wha?!

Eddy: Fuutarou has the evidence! Its saved on his phone! 

Nagatoro: So?!

Eddy: So you can't lie! Look at your face! Are you about to faint?! Please don't!

Nagatoro: Shut-Shut up.

Yotsuba: Eddy, I need to talk with you. In private. 

Eddy: Huh? About what?

Yotsuba: I have to tell you in private.

Nagatoro: He's not going anywhere! You maybe his tutor but I don't trust you!

Yoshi: Don't trust you!

Yotsuba: I can assure you I'll bring him back without any love-bites. 

Nagatoro-Gamo Chan- Sakura- Yoshi: Love bites?!

Eddy: I was wondering who was biting my neck during that sleep over. It was you. I knew it.

Librarian: Sh! This is your last warning!

the girls: Sorry. 

Eddy: Alright Yotsuba. This better be good though. 


Yotsuba and Eddy were now in the hallway. 

Yotsuba said to Eddy: You know, its been a few months since the tutoring session. 

Eddy: Yeah. 

Yotsuba: You also turned 12. Happy belated birthday by the way. 

Eddy: Thank you. 

Yotsuba: With that being said, I need you to understand something. 

Eddy: And that is?

Yotsuba: Ichika.

Eddy: What about Ichika? 

Yotsuba: She likes you Eddy. 

Eddy froze.

As though time froze him in place. 

Eddy: Come again?

Yotsuba: Ichika likes you Eddy. She likes you very much. One would even say that she's in love with you. No, I know she's truly in love with you~

Eddy: Okay. I am officially freaked out. When was this and why? Shouldn't she find someone her own age? I mean she is beautiful and all. But I'm 12. She's like 17 going on 18. That's a wide margin. Would she be willing to fall in love with a 12 year old nobody. 

Yotsuba: Of course. Because she knows you have potential to become something great. To Ichika, age is just a number. And distance is a barrier~

Eddy: You're lying.

Yotsuba, her eyes overshadowed by her bangs, approached Eddy. 

Getting close enough, she said to Eddy: Oh No EdDy....ItS ThE TrUth....I wOuLd...NeVeR...LiE tO YoU...

LiE tO YoU

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The Quintessential Quintuplets AUWhere stories live. Discover now