Tutors Or Stalkers?

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For the next week, Eddy and Fuutarou had to put up with the Quintuplets.

And what made it worse was that most of the homework Eddy presented to Itsuki, she didn't have a clue or the answers to the questions Eddy's homework was asking.

Fuutarou could barely focus on his homework.

That was due to the cleavage shown from both Nino and Miku busts.

Fuutarou would be an idiot if he didn't say that both girls were pretty.

But Fuutarou remembered that these girls were older than him.

By how many years?

5 years at best.

Fuutarou had estimated.

But nevertheless Fuutarou thought they were beautiful.

Especially Miku.

There was something about Miku that Fuutarou could not put his finger on.

Yotsuba was the energetic one.

Eddy could pick that up from her.

Ichika was the pervy one.

Itsuki was the youngest of the sisters.

Nino was the tsundere.

These five sisters.

These five sisters with different personalities.

These five sisters were going to ruin Eddy and Fuutarou's lives.

In fact they were doing that with every day of every minute of every hour.

Enter School.

It was after school.

Fuutarou and Eddy were conversing with some friends.

Until they saw the Quintuplets.

Yotsuba waved and said: Hey boys!

Eddy and Fuutarou looked at another.

Fuutarou: Ningerundayo?

Eddy: Ningerundayo.

Fuutarou and Eddy bolted past the girls and said: NINGERUNDAYO!!!!!

The Quints, baffled, but growing annoyed, chased after the boys.

They yelled: GET BACK HERE!


Fuutarou: First you girls are our tutors, and now you stalk us?

Eddy: Yeah what he said?

Itsuki: We told you that we were hired by your parents. Even if it kills us, we're going to make sure that you both are in high school before our third year starts.

Yotsuba had Eddy under one arm.

Itsuki had Fuutarou under her arm.

Eddy: How? When you don't know anything?

Itsuki: Bah!- That's not true! I know things!

Eddy: Can you divide E=Mc squared?


Fuutarou: Case and point. We don't need girls thinking they're smart because their older than us tutoring us. We can do our own work. We don't need your help.

Nino: Augh! You boys are so sexist!

Eddy: That's not true!

Nino: Then tell us why you and Fuutarou ran from us when you saw us?

Fuutarou: Because we knew that you girls were going to ruin our lives. So we ran like any man would in our situation. That doesn't mean we're sexist!

Nino: So you boys ran away from us...Because you both were afraid to be taught by the older opposite sex?

Eddy: Older sounds about right. One foot behind high school. Another towards the nursing home.

Fuutarou laughed: Good one Eddy!

Nino: I could pummel you if I wanted to.

Eddy grinned: Any child abuse of any kind results in jail time. And it doesn't matter wherever you go that's law.

Nino gained a smug expression: Depends who you ask.

Eddy and Fuutarou: Huh?

Nino went on and said: Well. Without us around....Other girls would tutor you. Girls with intentions. Intentions to rob you both of your freedoms. Sure the child abuse law works in CERTAIN areas around the world, but abuse by one who is not only of the opposite sex, but is a year or two older than you, is legal.

Eddy and Fuutarou paled: You're lying.

Nino: Prehaps. Are you both willing to take that risk? If not then I suggest you stick with us. We can protect you from girls like that. All you boys have to do is pay attention to what we teach you academically wise and put it to practice. Is that so hard to do?

Fuutarou looked away and muttered: Maybe when you're not flashing your bust around.

Nino heard that.

A blush flustered on her face.

She said slowly and menacingly: What. Was. That?

Fuutarou gulped and said: Nevermind. Forget I said anything.

Nino smiled and said: If you insist.

Ichika: Wow Nino. I'm impressed. Have you been taking notes from big sister?

Nino: Well. Yes. But actually no. You just have to know how men work. Namely boys wanting to be men.

Eddy: In your dreams. Why would we wanna become men that you girls can control?

Nino: Someone's being sexist~

Eddy: And someone's using double standards~

Yotsuba: Oooo...He got you there sis.

Nino: Who side are you on Yotsuba?

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