Chapter 4- the surgery

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Jen POV.

" You, you have what?" I ask nervously
" I'm afraid Jaelyn has a mild tumour in her brain. She will need surgery eventually. I can schedule an appointment for the surgery in about 3-4 months. If that's ok?" The doctor asks.
" Yes. That should be fine. I'll let her know." I say. And then I hang up.

I start to cry and cry and I run into josh and cry into his chest.
" Shhhh, shhhhh, it'll be okay. It's okay shhhhh" he says.
" Jaelyn needs surgery" I cry out.
" Wh- what?" He asks.
" It's going to be scheduled for a few months" I choke out.

" Let's go tell her" josh says.

" Jay, we need to tell you something, you need surgery. For your brain, just a little one though." We tell her.
" What? Just a little one?" She asks.
" Yes. Just small. Won't take too long." Josh says
" oh. Okay. When is it?" She asks.
" 3-4 months. So we still have time to prepare." Jen says.
" Okay" she answers then falls back asleep.

Jaelyn POV.

Right now I'm laying on a gurney getting ready to go onto the OT ( operating table ). Jen and Josh are standing in either side of me telling me that I'll be okay.
I hope so.

Jen POV.
I'm trying to stay strong for Jaelyn. But it's hard.
" It's time" the doctor says
" Ok. I'll see you later" I say to Jaelyn.
" Hang in there Jay, you'll be fine" josh says.
" I love you guys" Jaelyn says and then she's wheeled into the room.

Jaelyn POV
" Will it hurt?" I ask the doctor.
" No, not at all sweetie, we just have to give you a needle then you won't feel anything at all." She says
" Okay" I reply.
" Be brave, Jaelyn" she says.
The last thing I remember before falling into darkness is that, that line is from divergent.

Josh POV

Right now Jen is crying in my shoulder as we watch the doctors close the curtain of the OR. ( operating room ).

" I.... just..I' scared!" Jen says as she cries.
" Shhh shhhh it's okay" I coo to her.

" I. I think I'm in love with you" I say.
" Your what?" she asks
" Im in love with you." I say louder.


I start to cry louder when Josh says this.
"Oh god. I'm so sorry. I'm such a stupid person. I never should have said that now, your going through so much and I don't know what I was thinking and.."
He won't shut up so I just kiss him.

" I love you too" I say and then I fall asleep on his shoulder.

2 1/2 hours later.

" Miss Lawrence?" The doctor calls
" Yes. Here " I say
" Jaelyn is in the recovery room now. You can see her if you want" the doctor says.

We walk down a long white hallway into the recovery room " I'm nervous" I whisper to Josh.
" She'll be fine." He says back.

Jaelyn looks perfectly normal other than the tiny part on her head that was shaved before the procedure.
" How ya feeling?" Josh asks Jay as he tickles her tummy.
" Good! I can go home today too!!" She says excitedly.
" Oh that's great sweetie!!" I say.
" Can josh stay at our house?" Jaelyn asks
" Oh why?" Josh asks
" I don't know. Mom has to do a bunch of errands tomorrow so I'll be alone, so I was thinking we'd have a movie day?" She asks
" Okay. Sounds fun!" He says.

****Next day****

Josh POV

Jay and I have already watched 3 movies: Grown ups, grown ups 2 and big hero 6.
She has fallen asleep so I go lay down in Jens bed.
I know what your thinking. And NO. it's not weird.

I wake up in the morning with Jen laying beside me. Not wearing clothes.
What happened???? I don remember for the life of me.

Ugh whatever I'll ask her later.
Then I'm back asleep.


I wake up beside josh. With out clothes.
I remember everything that happened.
I decide to take a test just on the off chance that I'm pregnant.

" Holy crap" I say.
As I look at the test.

Josh POV

"WAKIE WAKIE EGGS AND BACKIE!!!!!!" I hear. It's so loud that I fall out of the bed.
After I minute I realize that it's Jen.
" UGh. What time is it???" I yell back.
"8:15" She yells back.
" AM??!" I ask
" Well duh!!!" She says.
" Wow. I slept like a log!" I say.

I hear Jen mumble something like of course you did. But I just leave it.


" COME AND STOP ME" they both scream.

Someday I want this to be our family.

Hey guys!!!!!

And ideas for the next chapter?? If where I'm going with this. Lol
Please vote comment and follow!!

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