Chapter 4

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A/n- This chapter is a little shorter than the rest, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

The day was finally over, it seems like it ended too early, but who cares? Your dismissal was what you longed for the whole day. You went to the train station with your friend to go on a quick trip to the grocery store. You did owe your friend a drink, so going there would also be convenient, as you hopped on the train you noticed that there were a bunch of students, probably a group of friends, they were really loud, but you just ignored them as they didn't show any harm, they were only joking around.

You and your friend noticed that there were no seats left, so you both had to stand up, and use the grab handles, a little disappointed that you both can't sit down, and rest, that is until a tall man, with purple hair, his bangs covering his eyes- probably from the group of students, asked you both to take his seat, but there were two of you, and one seat. 

You decide to let your friend take the seat instead, they insisted but eventually they gave up, and sat down, while you just leaned in the handle, you felt tired like you can fall asleep any moment, then there was a slight bump in the train, you lost your balance, lost the grip on the handle, and fell on to someone. It happened so fast too, the first thing you said was a very embarrassed 'sorry' to the passenger, they had blonde hair, and cute pigtails on them, they looked familiar, like you've seen them before, but from where?

They were also really adorable, you mistook them for a woman.

"I am very sorry, ma'am!" You panicked, finally getting up, and lending them a hand for the inconvenience, they raised their brow at you. "

Wh- 'Ma'am'?" They sounded offended, you heard that their voice was not from a woman at all, it sounded more masculine, and serious, your face heated up with even more embarrassment.

"Oh- Goodness, I am so sorry, sir! Really, I didn't mean-" He got up, and dusted his pants, waving off your apology.

"Yeah, Yeah it's fine." And then he went back to his group of friends, who were commenting about the situation.

Your friend got off their seat, and asked if you were alright, you only nodded, and covered half of your face with your hand, feeling really ashamed of what you have done, a slight blush across your cheek, made your friend assume so many things.

"You know, he looks kinda cute, huh?" They teased, making you slap their shoulder, and grow even more flustered.

"Shut it, you're not helping." You muttered quietly, feeling the glares of the other passengers on you made you shiver, and self-conscious.

You two waited for your stop, and when it was time to go, you finally got off, the doors opening it, giving you relief, finally exiting the train who had made you uncomfortable the whole ride there, just you were about to step out the train, you felt someone grab you from your bag, you yelped from the surprise, and you turned to see that it was that guy with the blonde pigtails, glaring at you.

"Uh, is there something wrong?" You gulped, the atmosphere was enough to make you uneasy.

"You dropped something." He replied, awkwardly giving the item back to you, his hand scratching the back of his head in nervousness.

You gave him a kind smile, the kindness washing away your shame, and nervousness.

You took the item from him, your hand brushing against his who were surprisingly warm, and soft. You gave them a nod, and a 'thank you.' which just made them shrug, and you two left.

"His name is Hanabishi by the way! He's a really good guy, and he likes you a lot!" One of his friends shouted as you left with yours, making you, and him blush. This Hanabishi guy turned to his friend, slapped a hand on their mouth to keep them shut, and started to argue with them, their argument slowly fading as the doors closed, and the train left.

The warmth on your face went back to you, feeling really flustered from the boy's comment. You knew he was only joking, but it just felt really weird, and warm, your face heated up.

"Oh look, he likes you back, You two would make a good couple, y'know?" They delivered with a laugh.

"Could you please stop?" You frowned at them, your expression amusing them, it made them laugh more.

"You like him though, right?" Your friend leaned in, their face covering your vision.

"Uh no, that's disgusting." You ignored them, as you walked past your friend, finally entering the store, the doors opened as you heard a ring from inside.

"Whatever you say, Y/n." They rolled their eyes, placing a hand on their hips.

"You still owe me a soda though." The reminder made you sigh.

Later that night, you made your way upstairs to go to bed. It was an unusual day, but you couldn't complain about it, it was a fine day.

You yawned, stepping in the bed, and covering yourself with the warm blanket. Switching to the side, you can't help but think about Popee, and if you'll be able to see him again, but it probably didn't matter, as you were heavily tired, and just fell asleep as soon as you closed your heavy eyes.

Everything turned bright, but not bright enough to blind you, it was more of a comforting light.

Then you fell,

On sand.

You let out a groan from the impact, you didn't fall from somewhere high, so you weren't really hurt that much. Looking around, the surroundings were just like last night.

You didn't expect to return here, you only wished to, which surprised you.

This really is starting to mess you up.

"You again?!" a very familiar voice yelled from behind.

You turned to see that it was none other than Popee holding a bunch of bombs in his arms, his reaction to your arrival is rather distasteful. 

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