Chapter 9

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Yet another couple of dull hours went by, having to stop getting so distracted with the thought of partnering up with that maniac he calls himself a performer. Pushing away the thought of liking him at all cost, you did not want to think about that.

Your pen tapped on the messy page of your notebook, trying to come up with something to write to distract you from the boring lecture.

It's the last day of class, and your adviser was making a huge speech. It's not that bad, but you just wished it would end quickly so you can get some rest, plus you had to go get groceries later.

The sound of a low growl, and the rumbling feeling in your stomach made your teacher look back at you, you hid in your seat, and sunk back in embarrassment. Another reason why you want the class to end.

Your friend only stole a glance, and tried to hold their laugh from what they had witnessed, you looked back at them, giving a deadly glare.

Sighing deeply, you stared tiredly at the board, your chin on your palm.

"I can't believe it's the last day, it's like time went so fast."

The sky turned into a beautiful sunset, the colors blending well with the lovely sun.

Now that classes are over, you have finally some freedom, and that includes!

More sleep.

And all the time to yourself.

"Well, I'm kinda glad it's over, I couldn't stand listening to the speech, it was making me sleepy."

"Yeah, it was really sappy, I didn't feel bad at all not gonna lie."

"Did you see the tear rolling on her face? I swear it's a paid actor."

You two bursted out laughing in the sidewalk, sharing a good moment of making jokes, and laughing at the stupidest things, not even minding the other people looking at you two.

It all died down after a while, trying to regain your breaths.

"I'm moving." you said out of nowhere, your smile fell.

"Y'know F/n, I'll probably miss you." They raised a brow, folding their arms at you.

"Of course you will." They broke a smile at you, trying to make the situation less sad, and more funny.

"There's nobody else but me who could provide you snacks when you don't have any."

"Bastard." You let out a chuckle at them, appreciating how they tried to lighten the mood with their jokes.

You two walked in the front of the store, when they got a text.

"Y/n, I have to go, are you fine on your own?" They asked, sounding a little torn.

"Ah, no worries, I'll be fine, you go on ahead." You smiled, trying to assure them.

You were lying, you didn't want them to leave.

The fact that you have to talk to the cashier, and your socializing skills will fail you already had you trembling.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to uh...make it up to you, somehow."

"Maybe a chocolate for tomorrow?" They sighed at you.

"Actually make it two." You added, making them mumble a 'fine', and shared goodbyes with you as they rushed their way home.

You decided not to ask what they were rushing for, but it's none of your business, so you let it be.

The door made a little chime sound when it opened, you gulped down all your nervousness, and pulled out the list.

'Let's see'

You tried to pay no attention to the feeling that you're being judged, and watched, especially that you're alone, and in the corner, hoping nobody would notice you.


Some part of you regretted letting your friend go, but that would be insensitive of you as they were in a sort of emergency, all that for a stupid reason. Maybe they were right, your problem is your horrible socializing skills, and the amount of thoughts crowding in your head whenever you're out in public.

You felt trapped, and it mentally exhausts you.

You couldn't help but agree with your mother, she was precise about you

lacking...partnership, or whatever.

It's okay, just don't look back, and ignore everything.

Disconnect, Y/n. Don't pay attention to them.

You've always hated being alone in a public place, you just want to run away, but you know that would honestly make you a coward, what would your mother think? It's just groceries, it's so easy, why are you like this?

Steady your breathing, don't listen, just mind your own business, don't mind them, don't mind anything else.

"I want to eat a galette~"

A what?

You turned to see where that came from, you were having a breakdown, and you heard something about a galette?

Glancing over the side, you saw the same boys from the train.

Now what a surprise, you weren't expecting to see them again, after the first encounter.

Thinking about it makes you more nervous.

Just scoot over, don't let them notice you.

"Hey, isn't that the girl from yesterday?"

You sighed in defeat.

"Oi, Hanabishi! That's her right?" You heard a whisper, just hoping they'd leave you alone soon.

Now where have you heard that name from?

You looked around the group to see if he's there, if fate wanted you two to meet again, the supermarket isn't the best place to reunite.

Speaking of fate, it's a surprise to bump into him again.

Not really bothering to try find him, since it would be more awkward, like you've been wanting to see him again, and prove his, and your friend's point before, You only tried to walk away, as if you didn't hear anything from them, as you made your way to the other aisle, you could hear their voices growing more silent, you swear they're still talking about you.

You hate being out in public. 

A/n: hi !! hello !! this chapter prolly isnt rlly the best rn,, but i hope you like it anyway ;; everything's been settled down, i'll be trying to add my artworks in some chapters in the future, thank you for everyone's answers!! The title is now changed to 'The Other Side" thanks to @Uwuwulove, thank you so much for the idea!! :D 

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