Chapter 15

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"So first we uh.. Do this, and then put the thing-"

"You don't have any idea what to do, huh?"

"Course I do! You just gotta.. Er.." Your words trailed off just as how your confidence vanished. Alright, quit the act, you're only embarrassing yourself, Y/n.

It's been a good 20 minutes or so of him just looking at your, uh, attempt, and at first he found it really worth the laugh, but now it's just, pitiful.

While Popee watched you falter and kept making unsure gestures, he only rolled his eyes, definitely running out of patience. How long will this take? You already physically proved to him that you had zero- if not, then negative understanding about simply setting up your tightrope equipment. Honestly it looks really easy at first glance, but nobody's perfect, so.

"Okay, Okay, fine. We both suck at it! Now can you stop doing that? It's not fun anymore, you're just being pathetic." He finally admitted it, wow! Popee actually lowering his pride? That's progress I might say. So maybe, give yourself a pat on the back for that one, soon he'll be apologising for being a jerk to you.

You sighed, backing away from your...sorry attempt.

To be absolutely, and brutally honest- You did worse than he did.

"Yeah, finally we both came to terms with that." Your fingers ran through your scalp in exhaustion, feeling the warm breeze showering your body, and the sand. THE SAND GETTING INSIDE YOUR SHOES. Wait, shoes? Since when were you wearing shoes?

Both you and bunny boy shared an awkward silence while gawking at the sky with zero thoughts behind your eyes.

"Should we get help?" You broke the silence between you two, turning to him with a defeated look.

"And from who?"

"I don't know? Kedamono? Your dad? We're the only people here, so."

"Yeah not gonna happen, I am not letting them find out about this." He winced as the sun's rays blind his vision, it was getting hotter by every minute. It's a desert, and it's a scorching afternoon too- Bad Idea to practice during that time. Worse case scenario you two may end up having a heatstroke.

"Damn it." He cursed under his breath in frustration, who wouldn't? It's hot, like hot- hot.

You don't even know the exact temperature either, you're in the middle of nowhere with no items.

"Hm." You began to caress the strands of your hair away from your now wet face, you could really use a shower right now.

Because of the heat, he hurriedly took off his hat, waving it like it was a fan, desperate to get some cool air. His arm went up to rub the sweat off of his forehead, droplets of it fell down the rough sand, his gorgeous blonde hair was exposed since he took off his bunny-hat. You can't help but gawk at him- and now, you can't pull away. It's like your eyes are locked into his image. You found him cute before, but this was different.

With the sun's lighting, he looked like he was glowing. In a good way. He's like a model.

You try not to stare at his eyes, and focus on his face instead, he had really rosy cheeks, and he looked so pretty. You could stare at him forever like this. His pigtails were also quite a sight, they looked silly, but they were adorable nonetheless.

Wait, pigtails? Where have you seen those same exact pigtails before?

"Hey." He snapped you out of your thoughts, which led you to getting embarrassed. Your cheeks turn red at the shame you just got yourself into.

How long exactly have you been staring at him? He's probably gonna hate you more.

"You-" He opened his mouth to scold you but found himself blushing too, and put back his hat on in embarrassment. Did he think you were making fun of him? Staring can lead to two things after all.

But in truth, you weren't staring to mock him, you found him beautiful. Like an artwork you'd see at an art museum that you could gawk at for hours with pleasure, even if your eyes get sore gazing. Drinking up at the sight of him as if he was the water in a well dry, and dehydrated place. Popee is an ass, but you can't deny that he looked amazing. It got your heart beating fast yet again, this feeling's a little annoying now, and yet it felt so comforting, and overwhelming.

Could it be that....

You finally warmed up to him?

Either that or, is there more?

You've noticed yourself being stuck between your thoughts again for the second time, waking up yet again.

"Um, sorry." You whispered, trying not to be too focused about it since it'll get more awkward. Looking away at each other, he stood up, and you followed.

Popee walked over to the equipment, attempting to assemble it by himself yet again. Instead of grumbling and being frustrated about it though, he was silent- as if he had something on his mind.

It was quiet for a while. You weren't going to tolerate this any more, there won't be any progress at all.

Your lips slowly parted to speak.

"Could we do it together this time?"


Are you seriously saying that? What's this behavior, Y/n L/n?

I thought you hated him?

He hesitated to look at you and answer, so he just tensed up and had his back turned to you. Popee looked as still as a rock, trying to wait if you had another more to stay.

You realised your statement was said out loud, and you swear you didn't mean to say it-

"I, um.. I mean, do it together, like y'know? So we don't waste anymore time, and it might get late when we actually make progress."

"Just..Just tell me what to do, I'll try to make it work."

"With you."

He's still tense, and mind is still occupied. In another perspective, he's really red, those rosy cheeks of his are burning.

Popee slowly turns to you, but not completely, you can only make up a glimpse of his face. You await his answer patiently, hoping he'd let down his pride even more to consider your suggestion.

"...Alright." He replied, still refusing to look at your now relieved smiling face.   

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