Chapter 12

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Keita grabbed your hands in a gentle manner, his thumb rubbing your fingers, feeling really grateful for your little gift- but it really was no problem, if anything you actually owed him one.

Few of his friends gave quite a reaction to the situation, some laughed at him, some didn't really mind any of it.

His little sharp teeth glistened as he gave you a sweet, and innocent grin, he was really happy- you could tell. Maybe food is just his weakness.

The gesture made you blush, any sort of affection or sort of touch made you flustered, you weren't really used to being held like this, so it felt new to you.

You could've swore someone was giving a really bitter look, like a glare? Not at you, yet it was? Your gut told you to not turn to them directly, but only your eyes disobeyed. And there it was, Hanabishi's sweet nature turned off just when he saw Keita having his turn with you, but why would he look at him like that? You needn't to know, it was none of your business, even though you've defied that earlier, but still- you can't make this even more awkward for them.

Keita keeps on grinning, and gives you compliments to show that he's thankful for the nice treat you gave, you pictured him like this little dog wagging its tail, and barking happily, like you said it was nothing so you only gave a smile to him, while getting slightly uncomfortable with the glaring beside you.

"Well, anyways- I should...y'know, get going. It's getting pretty late." You pointed your thumb behind you, announcing your departure.

Hanabishi, no longer tense, just shrugged it off, and gave you a small 'bye' . It wasn't really loud, but you heard it. He sounded disappointed in a way, but it doesn't matter anyway.

You waved them a goodbye,and they did too, sharing a string of 'thank you' to you.

You only laughed it off since you don't really know how to handle it, and walked away to find your way home.

The thought of Hanabishi glaring down both of you made you smile, it was really silly to think about, a part of you thought that maybe he wanted to say something to you, but couldn't due to Keita's

"Hmph." your lips slowly curled into a small smile.

After a long moment of travelling, you finally had gotten to your home.

You sighed, relieved, and happy that the day was over, even the thought about you moving to another school went away just as you dropped the weightful bags, and jumped on your mattress, a small squeak kind of sound escaped the bed with the sudden weight it received.

"Mmmm..." You groaned, it felt like home, and you were ecstatic that you could finally relax after a long day.

Disregarding dinner since you were too tired to eat, and you'd rather sleep than get a meal.

But it's fine, it's just for today.

All that's what matters to you right now is a good quality rest that you've been longing for the whole time.

You got into a position to which is more comfortable, and closed your eyes.

Your mind went blank, and everything went silent.

You are now asleep.


Peace and quiet.

Not until your bed suddenly felt so- rough, and...grainy?

Your eyes shot wide open when you heard a loud explosion not too far from you. The smoke got to you, and you sat down to cough, and fan it out with your hand.

What is it now?

"Oh no, don't tell me."

"Ugh, I thought I told you to scram." You were greeted by an unpleasant sight of none other than Popee.

Of course.

"Well your dad told me I could stay, what are you gonna do about it?" The look on his face after you so casually said that is filling you with satisfaction.

And another day begins.

"I hate you, I hate you so much." He gritted his teeth, and walked away from you, and your sly smirk.

'Guess he won't be bothering you for a while.

"Y/n! You're still here?" You perked to hear yet another familiar voice, you turned around to see Kedamono rushing towards you.

A smile plastered on your face of the sight of the friendly purple masked wolf, or whatever he is.

"Yep, why? Did you want me gone?" You joked, which made him laugh awkwardly.

"No no, it's just that- You know what happened last night, right? I just want to warn yo-"

"Pshh, I'll be fine! What can that bunny boy do anyway?" You stood tall, and proud.

"Um, blow you up?"

"Exac- Wait what? No."

"I mean, it happened. What makes you think it won't again?" Worry grew on his masked face, and your eyes softened with the concern he was giving you.

"Look, Keda, we've had this already, I'll be fine, sheesh." You frowned at him, and he only gave up, and sighed at you.

"Whatever you say, Y/n..." You raised a brow, and tried lightening up the mood a little. Your arm nudged on his.

"Hey, come on now, let's go do something fun for a while." Your smile returned, trying to take away his anxiety on your safety.

"If it includes provoking Popee, then I'm not in."

"That's not what I had in mind, but that's actually much more fun."

"Y/n, please." 

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