Yeontaebin: No Me!

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"Yeonjun! Give me kisses!"

"No, give me kisses!"

"I wanted them first!"

"Well I'm his favorite!"

"No, I am!"

"Will you both stop?!"

The two youngest in the room glanced over to the obviously agitated blonde male. "Sorry Junnie hyung." they said. Yeonjun rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Why are you two fighting now?" The other two boys looked down. "Well Soobin hyung said you would give kisses first because you love him more." Taehyun said with a pout. "Yeah, and Taehyun said that since you asked him out first, you loved him more." Yeonjun sighed. This was a common problem. He for whatever reason, couldn't get either of the boys to see that he loved them both just the same. "Apologize to each other." he said. Soobin and Taehyun looked at him, then looked at each other, then gave a quick peck. "I'm sorry hyungie." Taehyun said. "I'm sorry too Tae." Yeonjun smiled. "There, now both of you come over here." Yeonjun moved over the center of the couch so both of his boyfriends could have enough space as all three of them were quite tall.

The two younger ones cuddles into their lover's side, getting comfortable. "Now what have I told you before?" he asked them. "That you love us both the same," Soobin started. "And that we mean a lot to you." Taehyun finished. "So what happened today?"

"Well today at school..."


Taehyun and Soobin were walking hand in hand at their school to their next class. Taehyun stood up on his tippy-toes to give Soobin a shy kiss. "Tch, cheating on Yeonjun oppa huh Taehyun?" a female voice asked. The couple turned their head and saw a shorter girl watching them. "Um, excuse me?" Soobin politely asked. "If you're close enough to Yeonjun hyung to call him 'oppa,' I think you would know that we're both in a relationship with him."

The girl huffed and turned his head to the side. "You think he loves you both? Come on, haven't heard that if you love a person you can only give all your love to that ONE person. Two? You're both just wishing for something that isn't real." she left with that, and Taehyun and Soobin silent.

The two had always somewhat thought about things to what she had said. A three-way relationship was new to both of them. It didn't help that Yeonjun was popular at their school. Taehyun was a bit higher in social status, whereas Soobin was almost a complete outcast. He was amazed that when he confessed to Yeonjun, the older and Taehyun had accepted him with open arms.

"I just remembered, I have to um, I have to go see Mr. Kim for something." Taehyun mumbled, letting go of Soobin's hand. "O-ok Tae, I'll see you at home?" the younger only nodded weakly before turning and leaving.

Soobin sighed. He could tell this was going to cause problems.


"Anyways," Taehyun continued after he and Soobin switched in between telling the story. "We were both a little scared and didn't think you could love us the same." Yeonjun sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"My loves, listen." Yeonjun stood up from the couch and motioned for the younger two to sit closer together. He sat on the coffee table so he could look at them equally. "I'm only one person, ok? I can't kiss you both at the same time and I also can't focus all the way on both of you at the same time either."

Soobin and Taehyun looked down. They knew he was right, their insecurities just overcame them. "We're sorry hyung." Taehyun mumbled. "We promise to try to not fight anymore." Soobin added. Yeonjun smiled warmly at them. He hated when they fought, but he always managed to find a way to make it ok. "I know you will baby. Now, who wants a kiss first?"


"No, me!"

Yeonjun cleared his throat. Taehyun chuckled nervously. "Soob hyung can, I'll go second." Yeonjun patted his head. "Good boy." Yeonjun leaned forwards and pressed a sweet kiss against Soobin's lips. He never failed to be somehow amazed whenever he touched the younger's lips; they were always so soft. He pulled away and then placed a quick peck afterward, making Soobin let out a little laugh. Then he gently pulled Taehyun's face forwards and kissed him. Taehyun's eyes gracefully fluttered shut, his long lashed resting on his cheek. He wanted a little bit more than a small kiss, so he brought his hand up to cup Yeonjun's face. Yeonjun put his hand on top Taehyun's and kept it there. When they pulled away, Yeonjun rubbed Taehyun's knuckles. "Oh, my sweet babies. I love you both so much." Yeonjun said as he made his way back in between them. They once again cuddled into his side. "We love you too, hyung."

"Should we pick a movie?" Yeonjun asked. "Yeah, sure." Taehyun answered. "I picked last time, so who's picking this time."


"No, me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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