Taegyu: Love Sight Pt. 1

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Beomgyu sat at the dinner table with his family. His younger siblings, Jungwon and Sunoo were happily munching on their dinner, excitedly talking about the upcoming dance at their school. His parents say across from him, and were talking about their friend's daughter who recently found her alpha. He listened in, interested in the story.

"Apparently she was walking around town and out of nowhere got her first heat. A couple of alphas tried to get her, but one young man saved her." he could hear his father make a noise of approvement. "It's impressive he could control his urge, what a gentlemen." Beomgyu turned away from the conversation, he had already lost interest. The topic of heats and partners were a sensitive subject for him. He was past the age of when he should have gotten his first one, but it hadn't happened yet. The black haired boy sighed, his discontentment making its presence known amongst the family.

"What's wrong hyung?" Sunoo asked, concern lacing his voice. "Yeah honey, you've been quiet for the whole meal. What up?" his mom questioned. "Nothing guys, it's stupid, really." His father tsked. "Nonsense, what's troubling you Gyu?" Beomgyu huffed a little bit. "I'm just lonely. You guys know I don't have a lot of friends, and I obviously don't have a partner yet. Jungwon and Sunoo have each other since they're closer in age, and there's no one else here to talk to."

The two youngest in the room looked down a bit, feeling guilty. They knew they could at least try to hangout with their older brother; they just forget a lot because of how different their personalities are. "We're sorry hyung," Jungwon started. "Yeah, we know you're lonely, we don't mean to ignore you." Sunoo finishes. Beomgyu ruffled his hair. "It's ok Ddeonu, I'm just being dramatic.

Beomgyu's mom looked at him with sympathy on his face. "I'm sorry sweetie. You know, you can always invite your friends over as long as you just let us know. It is a pretty big house and that's empty most of the time. I know how much your father and I are gone." She and her husband shared a look of sadness. They hated how much they weren't there for their children. The couple had demanding jobs, and they wanted to provide the best life they could for their kids, so being away a lot was a common thing. "Don't feel bad Mom, I know you're just trying to provide and keep our lifestyle for us." The older woman smiled at her son, but knew she was just trying to make her feel better.

Beomgyu could tell he wouldn't be able to eat much more, so he excused himself from the table. He put his dishes away, and left to his room.

The four walled room looked the same as it always had; dull, boring, little to no colour, and basically just looked like a guest bedroom. The only sign that someone regularly lived here was the open book lying on the desk. Beomgyu grabbed it and lay on his bed, instantly becoming enthralled in its contents. It was a beautiful love story he had read many times, but could never get enough of. He wished for someone like in his book, but here he was, 18 years old and had never had a single relationship. He read for about an hour before finally getting ready for bed.

Beomgyu turned off his light, and prepared for the next day that was sure to be as unexciting as the present one.

Taehyun was getting ready to plant his seeds when he realized he left them on the kitchen counter earlier when getting a quick snack.

'Why are you so forgetful Taehyun?' he asked himself. But his question was to no avail, as it remained unanswered.

Taehyun wiped the little trickle of sweat that had decided to make its appearance and set his mini-shovel down and took his gloves off before entering the house. Taehyun rarely came in (mostly for fear he'd make it dirty), and on the occasion he did, it was for bringing things in or getting snack in case he forgot to bring his own.

The redhead was looking around the kitchen, trying to see where the packet of seeds were, when the smell of something addictively sweet engulfed his senses. He turned around and saw a head of black hair turn the corner of the hallway. His eyes widened.

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