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Season Three

Lydia noticed Tabitha and smiled. "Get in. Are you okay, Tabitha?"

Tabitha blinked and glanced up. "Huh? Yeah. Just super jet-lagged."

Lydia nodded and said, "It is not a double date. It is a group thing."

Allison frowned. "Do they know it's a group thing? 'Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there."

Lydia let out an annoyed sigh. "You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" She turned to Tabitha. "And you. I barely hear from you, and suddenly you appear near my car?"

Tabitha shrugged. "I was busy. Sorry."

"You're lying."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

Tabitha pointed to Allison. "If I'm forced to be in a car with her, I don't have to answer your question."

Allison frowned at Tabitha and asked, "Did you? I mean, after..."

"Do not say his name," Lydia retorted.

"Everything was dealt with?" Tabitha inquired. "He's okay?"

Lydia sighed again. "Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during the full moon."

"So then you've talked to him?" Allison wondered.

"Uh, not since he left for London."

"You mean since his dad moved him to London."

Lydia pursed her lips. "Whatever, he left. And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like, that's not gonna be a disaster."

Tabitha laughed softly. "It sounds like a bad disaster movie, like Airplane. Good movie." Lydia glared at her. "Sorry."

Allison glanced at Lydia. "So you're totally over him?"

Lydia let out a scoff. "Would I be going on a double date if I wasn't? Yes, it is a double date. It's not an orgy. You'll live. Tabitha gets a pass since she looks exhausted."

Tabitha frowned. "I'll avoid him for as long as I want to. He texted and called multiple times a day. It was annoying."

Allison turned to her. "But wasn't it sweet?"

"Don't tempt a spell."

Lydia glanced at Tabitha with a frown. "Be nice."

Tabitha rested her head on the window. A blue Jeep caught her attention. "Oh my god," she muttered. "Lydia, drive faster."

Allison glanced at what she looking at and turned to their friend. "Lydia, go! Just go!"

"But the light," Lydia protested.

The light was red, and they were stuck at it, as were the boys. Tabitha shrunk deeper into the seat, not wanting to be confronted by either boy. Especially a certain spastic boy who had been calling and texting all summer.

Stiles opened the window, calling out to them.

Lydia ran a red. "You two all right?"

"Wonderful," Tabitha muttered.

Allison said after a moment, "Lydia, stop. We need to go back and talk to them."

Tabitha glanced back. "Why'd the Jeep stop?"

Lydia sighed. "It's Scott and Stiles. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two? Tabitha, you know that better than any of us."

Tabitha crossed her arms. "I highly doubt logic is in their vocabulary. Perhaps they know something."

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