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Tabitha glanced around and saw no one in sight. She walked up to Allison's body and sighed. "This is for you, Scott. I guess for you too, Isaac. But mostly for Scott."

The redhead closed her eyes and concentrated on a spell she knew her mother and father wouldn't approve of.

A purple hue with hints of red flowed from her whole being as she said, "Surgat quod fuit mortuum, forte et verum sicut in vita."

(Let what was once dead arise, strong and true as in life.)

She opened one eye and glanced at Allison's still unmoving figure. Before she could try anything again, she noticed wisps of red surrounding her and slowly shook her head. "No. No, I won't turn dark side." The colors encasing her disappeared.

A deputy walked up to her and called, "Tabitha?"

She screamed and turned. "Oh. Parrish. I- You scared me."

Parrish smiled and said, "Sorry. I'm afraid I need to ask you a few questions about what happened tonight."

Tabitha's chest tightened in a nervous panic. Had he seen what she'd tried to do? "Did you, um, see anything weird?"

"Weird like what? Besides a girl who just lost her friend standing alone in the dark?"

"Allison and I weren't friends. But yeah, something like that."

"Tabitha, I assure you, this is the least weird thing I've seen. Let me take you to the station where we can talk more, okay?"

"I'm not in trouble, am I? Because if I am, my mom will be really angry. My dad will be too."

"No, you're not in trouble. I just want to try to get an understanding of what happened tonight."

Tabitha nodded. "Okay."


At the sheriff station, Parrish looked at the red-haired girl and said, "Tabitha, I know this is hard."

Tabitha slouched in her seat, crossed her arms and glared at him as she retorted, "I already told you. Those guys came out of nowhere. They jumped us and attempted to steal our car. It looked like one of them had a knife and I think they might've been wearing masks, but I wasn't sure. Everything happened so fast. As soon as he was able, Scott called Argent."

He sighed. "Okay, that's enough. Thank you, Tabitha."

She left the office and leaned against the back wall. She glared at the wall and muttered, "Per-"


"Tabitha," Robin called, walking up to her daughter.

Tabitha turned to face her mother. "I tried to bring her back for Scott and Isaac, mostly for Scott, but I couldn't."

Robin glanced around and dragged her daughter into an empty room. "You did what?!"

"Relax, Mom. Nothing worked."

"Tabitha Ophelia, you know not to dabble in dark magic!"

"My world is crumbling and I'm trying... I'm trying to fix it." She wiped away a tear. "I'm going home. Don't wait up for me."


As she was making her way home, she got a text from Scott telling her to meet the others at the Animal Clinic.

She stumbled, feeling a strange rush, and ran to the clinic.

When she got there, she noticed that Stiles had arrived and ran to help him. Her aching legs, sore feet and heaving chest as she gasped for air seemed like nothing when she saw the state Stiles was in.

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