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The group made their way outside the front of the hospital and Tabitha noticed a sparking power line in front of Kira's face. The line suddenly gained a mind of its own. It went after her and she walked backwards. An ambulance appeared, speeding around the corner, and right into the electric line. The driver started losing control and ran into a fire hydrant. Water started spouting from it. Allison and Isaac showed up and she went to help the driver and Isaac pushed her away.

"Isaac!" Tabitha cried.

He turned to her as the electricity and water combined, and he started convulsing.

Tabitha momentarily panicked, thinking she'd caused him to convulse and ran to help him.

Kira somersaulted over a car and grabbed the wire before it could hurt anyone else. She covered the sparking end with her free hand and her eyes started glowing an amber color. Her mom appeared.

"Come on, Isaac. Breathe. You gotta breathe!" Tabitha told the werewolf, starting CPR.

Isaac was taken in on a gurney a short while later. While standing away from everyone, she heard Deputy Parrish mention that Stiles' Jeep was seen leaving the hospital.

Derek and Scott walked up to Tabitha. "You have to tell Stilinski. You have to tell him what's really wrong with Stiles. Tabitha, he might listen to you."

Scott and Tabitha met up with the sheriff and Robin and Scott asked, "Any news?"

The sheriff shook his head. "They're still looking for him. It's past the 48-hour mark, but I guess if anyone's going to be missing for two days and turn up just fine, it's Stiles."

"And Isaac?" Tabitha asked.

Sheriff glanced at her. "Maybe we should go by the hospital before the school."

Robin placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Your father is taking care of him."

"Sheriff?" Deputy Parrish called.


"He just needs your signature. It's just printer cartridges and stuff."

Tabitha said to the group, "I'm going to be there for Allison. As much as I don't like her, she needs a familiar face. Let me know if you guys find anything."

As soon as Tabitha arrived, she asked Allison, "How long have you been here?"

Allison met her eyes with a tired smile. "I've been here all night. They won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any. Why are you here? I thought you didn't like me."

"I don't. But you also shouldn't be alone."

"Thank you."

Melissa joined them and smiled. "He's got us. And I've got a key card. Be quick."

They walked into Isaac's room and Allison glanced at Tabitha worriedly. "I thought he'd be healing by now."

Scott frowned. "So did I."

"Is he in pain?"

Scott took Isaac's hand and gave them a nod. Black veins crawled up his and he let out a gasp. "It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain."

Allison's voice took on an angry tone. "Did Stiles really do this?"

Tabitha shook her head. "No, the Stiles I know couldn't hurt a fly, but the thing inside of him can."

Allison nodded. "Well, then, how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?"

Scott and Tabitha shared a look and he said, "We're working on it."

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