tmnt P.O.V

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Raph's P.O.V

"Well see you in a few days!" Rainbow waved as she flew off with the other pegasi. That moment i realized, i was going to be completley bored. Rainbow was the only pony around this place i didn't mind showing me around. There aren't exactly many places to go around here. I kicked a rock wondering what i was going to do. It's not like i can practice or fight around here. Eventually i just started walking towards Twilight's castle.  I looked around as i walked and i saw a book store. Maybe theyhad comics or somethin. I went in and a little chime rang.

"Hello?" I called out into the empty store.

"Just a moment!" I heard a familiar voice yell from the back of the store. It was only a few seconds before Writer appeared from an isle of books.

"Hey Raph. I see, desperation led you here. Bored already because RD just left." She laughed. This was Writer right? or did she have a weird twin i never knew about?

"Sure. Do you have any comics or magizines or whatever?" I mumbled.

"Well i have comics. there in the VEEEEEEERRRRY back. Turn at the fantasy section and when u see my office, look behind you. Simple." Then she disappeared backinto the rows and rows upon books. I followed her directions even though this place reminded me of an old movie Mikey liked as a kid called The Pagemaster. The store was quiet and about the size of a library. Thats what freaks me out, how the heck does she have so many books in one place and expect people to buy them? Eventually i found the fantasy section and i turned, then looked behind me. 

"Well look at that...." i whispered to myself and looked at what comics they had. There weren't any monsters or anything but there was one series called The Phantom's voice. hoping nobody could see me, which in not very likley, i started reading. Know what? i liked it. It's about a pony who can speak to the spirits of the dead. Just enough insanity for me to enjoy it. This'll keep me entertained for awhile right?

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