pony P.O.V

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Pinkie's P.O.V

"Now Pinkamena, we're right down the street. If you need us just call." Mother soothed. I swear, she's a snake. A snake who i wish i liked.

"Yes mother...." I muttered in reply as they exited the room. I sighed and rested my chin on my window sill. What i want to do, is see Mikey. But no, mother thinks he's a bad influence and blah blah blah and she has her ways of finding things out blah blah blah, she gave an entire speech.

"i wish she would- ooooh... shiny...." i looked at what had to be the smallest shiny thing ever. it was floating around in the air, just a little twinkle. As if a star had fallen into my hooves. I tried to poke it but it moved away.

"Come back!" I yelped. I looked down, then climbed onto the window sill. Thank goodness for street lights.

"Here shiny shiny shiny...." I cooed, completely focused on the sparkle. I felt something hit me in the back of the head, and down i went.

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