pony P.O.V

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Twilight 's P.O.V

I slowly trotted through Ponyville. I was still avoiding Donnie. I might sound like writer right now, but I didn't want to get hurt by some guy I barely even knew. Ok I knew him very well but still....

"Hey twilight!" Donnie came up behind me.

"Ah! Oh hi donnie! What are you doing here?" I smiled nervously.

"I just had a few questions.... one: can't you just teleport us back home?" He tilted his head.

"No. It's now a forbidden spell. Plus there is a high chance I'll die if I try. It's a hard spell! Put rarity into a coma for weeks!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh on the inside since I made it sound so dramatic.

"Oh. And the other thing... um uhh.... would you uh go on a date with me?" Oh man. At that moment my brain and my heart literally started fighting. Then I heard music and turned my head. Why the buck did spike have a song playing on his hphone.

Don't listen to the world

They say we're never gonna make it

Don't listen to your Freinds

They would have never let us start

And don't listen to the voices in your head,

Listen to your heart

Listen to your heart

It will set you free

It will say you belong with me

"Ok I get the point spike!" He paused the song "yes Donnie."

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