Going To War (Part 1)

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Shawn sat on the sofa in his family home, his head hung low and his fingers tangled together.

This was it.

This was the moment he went to war for Camila, his best friend since childhood, his first kiss, his first time and his first love.

One year ago they had been supposed to leave together, to go travelling, to find themselves and the relationship they had both been running from since the very first day they met but Camila got cold feet, told him she couldn't go, that she didn't love him like that, never loved him like that, he knew she was lying, knew she was just scared but he took her on her word and he left... he should never have left her!

He didn't realise at the time that Camila had gone to the airport looking for him but he should have, he should have known the fear of being apart would have over ridden any fear she had of what would happen if they were truly together but he got on the plane and he never looked back... he should have looked back!

If he had he would have seen Camila wounded and lost without him the way he was those first few months without her but where as he travelled and grew and made new connections and had life experiences he would never forget Camila met Jared...

"Shawn, shall I come with you?" Asked Manny placing a hand on his sons shoulder knowing the difficulties he was about to face

"It's fine dad, Sinu is coming with me"

"You're doing the right thing, no matter what she tells you, you know the truth of her situation"

Shawn just nodded at his dad's words. The truth of Camilas situation was all he had thought about since he had returned home and been hit with a reality he couldn't have imagined even in his darkest nightmares

"Hey, do you remember the first day I ever met Camila?" Shawn looked up at his dad, his hazel coloured eyes shining bright from under his unkempt chocolate coloured curls

"Of course, I don't think you spoke about anything else for the next 10 years"


9 year old Shawn Mendes ran into his family home after a long day at school followed by a long ice hockey practise. Usually he would be exhausted and grumpy until his mother made him a snack and he had a drink but today he was filled with energy and his dad couldn't help but laugh as he mimicked the moves he would make in the rink as he moved across the kitchen floor with a broom in his hands

"Good day son?"

"The best. There's a new girl at school, the teacher says she's called Karla but she says she's called Camila"

Manny chuckled slightly, enjoying what he knew was the first in what would be a long list of conversations with regards to the opposite sex.

"How was she?"

"Shiny!" Shawn replied enthusiastically "Shiny black hair, shiny black eyes and she wore a shiny silver dress"

"She sounds beautiful"

"Like a princess. A naughty princess though because she stole my banana at lunch, I didn't mind though and she said that made me her best friend"

Shawn danced around the kitchen whilst reaching for an apple and then taking a bottle of water from the refrigerator "Brian got a bit cross because he said I was his best friend and she couldn't take her and she said she could take me because boys always choose girls over their friends"

Manny almost choked on the laugh that bubbled up at the girls words

"Anyways, I'm going to make her a shiny card for tomorrow because I think she likes shiny things" and with that Shawn disappeared to his bedroom where he spent the night working on his shiny 'Nice To Meet You' card for his new best friend


"Shawn, don't you think you should involve the police?" Asked Karen as she came to stand behind her husband and placed her hands on his shoulders

"Ashleigh tried that, Camila just lied to them, told them everything was fine, besides, he's due back tonight, there's no time for that"

"I can't believe this is what it's come to. I knew when I spoke to her she seemed different but I had no idea, I swear Shawn if we had known what was going on in that house..."

"That's Sinus car!" Shawn said suddenly jumping up as she parked it in the garage as pre arranged so Camila and anyone else that may suddenly appear wouldn't know she was there

"Shawn, please promise me you will be careful"

"If you need anything, I'm here son" promised Manny as he reached out and patted his sons arm

"It will be fine... it's just Camila" Shawn tried to reassure himself "I'd do anything for Camila"
And he picked up his phone, slid it into his back pocket and then walked out to the garage to meet Sinu Cabello and start the short walk that felt like the longest of their lives

*please comment and vote not much of this mini book left x

*also do you want more flashbacks???

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