Falling Into The Black

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"Fuck you man I'm not playing games with you" Shawn stepped closer as Jared pressed the knife into Camilas throat as a warning that his rival was close enough "This isn't a game, you let her go and then if you want to hurt someone you come and you try and hurt me"

Manny's hand wrapped around his sons bicep, his eyes begging him to be careful and communicating all Shawn would ever have to know about a father's love

"Shawn..." Camilas tear soaked voice whispering his name almost caused his heart to crack wide open "Please go. Mama, Manny, I know it looks bad but it's fine, we're fine. This is just a misunderstanding I promise you all"

"Mija no!" Sinu cried from her kneeling spot on the floor "Por favor Camila, no sweetheart, no!!"

"I love Jared, I just... sometimes I do silly things or say the wrong thing. Shawn I... I shouldn't have come to you. None of this would be happening if i had enough self respect to keep away" her head dropped to her knees as Jared kept the metal taut against her neck "I love you Jared, I'm not going anywhere I promise"

"You're only saying that so I will put the knife down and then you'll go running back to Mr. Wonderful over there"

"No I'm not! I promise. No matter what happens Im staying, im sorry, this is my fault, it's all my fault, I see that now"

"Why do you make me do these things Camila?!" A tear dripped down Jareds face as he reached his spare hand round and used it to squeze the cheeks of her face hard

For their part Shawn, Manny and Sinu could only look on as the desperate scene unfolded before them, Shawn never taking his eyes off of the knife, just waiting for the moment he could make his move because watching a man touch Camila the way Jared was, holding a knife to her precious skin was provoking Shawn to act but he remained afraid of the consequences of his actions knowing one wrong step and he could quite easily lose the love of his life

"I want you all to go" Camila said firmly with her voicing raising at the end in a strangled sob "I want you to leave me and my boyfriend and I don't want any of you to ever come back"

"Camila..." Again Shawn stepped forward but this time Camilas voice came out in an almost scream

"NOOO!!! I don't want you here Shawn, I don't want your dad here and mama... I'm sorry if this hurts you but I don't want you here, I never wanted you here, that's why I never call. I just want me and Jared, I just want us to be happy again, I want none of this to have ever happened"

"Do you hear that?!" Jared yelled his wet breath hitting the back of Camilas neck

"No. No I don't" Replied Shawn as he stepped forward and then gulped as Jared tightened his grip on the terrified girls neck "I hear someone that's scared someone that has been beaten down and manipulated, someone that is afraid to speak her truth because she's terrified of the consequences and I hear the lies and the deceit of a bully, of an abuser and of a fuckin rapist!"

Mannys gasp and Sinus sob hit the air just as Jared tangled his hand deep in Camilas hair and heaved her head back so it rested on his shoulder the knife in his hand pressing hard and moving just enough to cause a drop of blood to fall and Camila to cry out

"What have you been telling them Mila?"

"Nothing I haven't... I wouldn't! You know I wouldn't!"

"Camila!" Sinu moved forward and rested a hand on Shawns forearm "Jared... as a mother I'm asking... no begging you to please let my baby go"

"She's nothing to you! You never cared for her like I do!"

"I gave birth to her... raised her... loved her... I need Camila you need to give her back to me. It's not too late. Shawn, Manny, all of us... we won't say anything, let Camila go and I promise  none of us will ever tell anyone what happened just please don't hurt my baby, please, please let her go, I will do anything, give you anything, pay you whatever you want or need"

"I only want one thing from you..."

"Anything, I swear just name it"

"Your daughter"

"NO!" Sinu tried to move forward, her arms held out desperately trying to grab her daughter or the knife or Jared, her vision blurred by tears the air of the kitchen filled with her screams

And then there was silence...

There was nothing...

There was policemen and women forcing their way through the broken door

Shawn stood in the silence watching everything move around him as though in slow motion

He reached for Sinu but she just slipped through his finger tips, he tried to reach for Camila but police officer after police officer pulled him back

Backwards he fell through the silence, his mind struggling to grasp his reality because all there was, was silence and nothing and then the blood

*dedicated to Shawmilaswiftie1498 and camilasdaughter for requesting an update

*one more chapter to go x

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