Chapter 4

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( back to the day after Anthony and Leah hookup)


She pushes me out the window and I luckily catch something and don't fall.

She is one special person.

What did I just say!?

She's my little sisters best friend, who I may have just screwed. Yeah... this isn't good. Me and my sister may not like each other but I do care for her, she's kinda confided in me in a lot of things and I don't want to hurt her.

What have I done? I get in my car and drive round the corner out of site. I grab my head and hit it on my steering wheel.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I was rude to her too. I didn't mean to treat her like that, hell I've known her since she was like 5.

I get home and sneak past kats room, she's still face planted on her pillow, passed out.

I lay on my bed and look at my phone.

No messages, hm weird. Ohhh yeah usually I get a couple of messages when I leave with a girl. This time I left with my sister.

I go onto leahs name and sit there.

I type out a message and hover over the send button-

Hey, sorry about last night and what I said. Your were great and I didn't want you to think your nothing. I won't tell Kat for her and your sake.

I chickened out and deleted it and closed my eyes

(Few weeks later)

Yeah it's really awkward between us, but I'm good at putting on a face. I mean I lie to all my friends, and my reputation isn't all what it seems. I mean yes I have had a lot of hookups but not all are true.

And since Leah according to my friends I've had 7 since that night which they don't know about. When really I haven't had not even one.

I feel like I'm cheating when I talk to a girl, like on Leah. I have this weird feeling around her. I feel bad because I'm the only one who knows that her smile around kat isn't genuine, it's guilt, and I'm for blame.

What had this one girl done to me?

( present time after Anthony drives Leah)

I drive Leah home today and I was being nicer. She drives me crazy I don't understand it. I decide to text her


Hey how's the head? 🤕😵

It's fine I guess. Is Kat home yet?

No she's still out.

Her tutoring must be going well then. Why you texting me? You never text me!🙄

Just checking in to see if your dead or not you never know

It's funny I thought, 'maybe a mature conversation with you' bye!😑

I'm boreddddddd

Okay. Not. My. Problem.

Seriously, can I come over? Joe is out with his gf and your the only one free!

Who said I was free?

Are you free?

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