Chapter 12

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"Naughty word." Lili says

I quickly pick her up and tell her to sit in a booth and I give her a cake slice to keep her busy from what was about to happen

"Kat Adams Is that you?" Liam asks
"The one and only." She smiles at him but glares at me

"Wait kat? It's me Chloe? From school?" Chloe speaks up
"Chloe? Oh shit! Your my date? What are the chances." They hug

What a nice reunion

"You remember Leah obvi!" Liam says breaking the tension

I look at Liam and internally tell him to 'fuck off' but he just smiles
"Yep. So Chloe shall we go?"

"Actually." I speak up, "can we uh talk? Please just for a few minutes."
"Talk then."

I indicate Chloe and Liam to take Lili up and Kat looks at Lili with a bit of sympathy in her eyes but the looks back over at me

"Do you er want a drink?" I offer
"We won't be long."

"Okay... I never got the chance to explain what had happened between me and Anthony. It was a stupid hookup which I was drunk for and I'm really sorry for it."

"That's funny because I'd you were sorry you wouldn't have done it again would you now?" She counters
"Yeah.... We never intended on hurting you. The guilt was eating me up and the only person I could actually speak to about it was him. There were times where I would just think to never tell him to save our friendship but he did have that right and he didn't hurt me. I knew you, you didn't want me to just date him, you didn't want me hurt by him. He though never did, I mean he gave me fucking guilt to you and our friendship ended but he also gave me my daughter your niece. Liliana Katerina Miller.
I named her middle name like yours. I want you and him both in her life. I love you both."

Her eyes soften at the mention of the name but she still has her anger in her eyes.
"Whilst I appreciate the name, and to be honest I never made any friends after you because I couldn't. And because friends were shitbags that betrayed you for your hot brother. If your wondering why we never messaged you back, I threw his phone in a lake with mine. I didn't want any connection to you and I here I am standing in you fucking cafe having a more civil conversation with you than I would like. I want things to work with Chloe but im not gonna pretend that im your 'bestie' like before. I also want to be in Lilianas life to."

I sigh in a bit of relief

"Thank you. I think she'll really like you. But I uh have to ask where is he."

She tenses up again, "he actually lives here he recently got a job and he's living with his girlfriend Allie, he's actually been here for 4 months. Surprised you haven't popped in for a meaningless hookup."

She really hates me
But he's been here for a few months.
Why didn't he get in contact?

"Do you want to meet Lili before you leave?" I try go off topic

"Why not."

I calm them down and Lili runs up to me

"Mummy who's the lady who says naughty words?"
"That's you auntie Kat."
"Wait the auntie Kat?" She looks at me

I have told her stories of Kat too. Good ones

"Hey you? You look a lot like your dad." She hugs her
"You know my daddy is he here?" She suddenly gets excited
"No sweetie. But you are just like him!"
"Mummy says that all the time! She's all like: 'coffee! coffee! Your like your dad! Your funny like him and Kat! Blah blah blah!" She blabs on

"Wow your hyper! I think your mum wants you in bed now and I can go on a date with your other hot auntie!" She says
She has gained so much confidence!

Chloe blushes

"See mum I told you she's hot!" They are the literal same!

Kat leaves with chloe and lilis sugar boost soon ends and she goes asleep

I go down to clean up then have a Capri-sun, don't even judge they are so good.

"Ooo we are breaking out the Capri-sun, what happened between you two?" Liam says

"We spoke and we are civil for the sake of lili and Chloe but not friends. She also told me ant has been living here for 4 months and with his girlfriend Allie. He hasn't even made and effort to make contact with me for her at least."

"Even after that, 'you make me feel good. Not like Isabelle. One last kiss' speech."

"Yeah but you know him, he was the schools player, he probably just wanted to mess with me."

"Hmm I don't know what goes on in guys heads."
I look at him, "your a guy."

"Okay I don't know what goes on in that fuck boys head."

He takes a sip of my Capri-sun
He then nods amused, "that right there is what I need right now." He goes to grab more of mine and I pull it away protectively
"Get your own."

He get one and sits back down.

"That reminds me, there's a party this weekend if you wanna go?"
I haven't left left lili for that long before.
He can see the 'no' look on my face.

"Cmon Kat is back, ok that rhymed, anyway she will want to spend time with her niece I'm sure."
"I don't know.... I'll see closer to the time."

The door opens and the two girls come laughing in. I'm glad it was good

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Chloe asks
"At 9 on the dot." Kat replies
She kisses her cheek then leaves.

"Omggggggg girl! You got a second date?" Liam shouts

"Well actually she's coming at 9 to get to know lili and we will both hang out too then later at night we are going back out so yeah!!! It was so great!" She explains

We all have a mini party and by party I mean Capri-sun and cake.

"So uh how is she?" I ask. I didn't want to make it about me it was Chloe's big day but I did want to k ow how she was, she was my best friends for like 13 years.
"She's good. She's working as an assistant manager in like some office job, sounds a bit boring but yeah. She let slip how much she missed you and wished she was more in lilis life that's  when I offered her to watch her tomorrow if you want? You should probably go find uh ant."

"You think? I don't want to ruin what he has, whatever he has by doing this."
"You don't want to ruin his life by bringing his child into his life. Screw that! You deserve a break and by that I mean leave him with lili, I love her but she does need her father in her life. I won't lie you know nothing on sports and neither do we, she is so much like him she should know properly where she gets that from because she may be 5 but she is smarter than she looks." Liam objects

"Ugh God! I blame him for make it me feel like this."
"Like what?" Chloe asks
Liam  and her smirk and look at each other
"Ugh no! I haven't felt that way since high school! I mean guilty."
"Ohhhh yeah that makes sense. First you have to talk to lili though if you do find him." Chloe points out

I put my head on the counter.
"Do you guys think I have enough money for two plane tickets to Hawaii or something to just run away from all this."
Liam pats my back, "can't run away now can you. Kat will be even more pissed than she already is."


Later that night my phone pings

Kat_AdAms1048 added you on Instagram

10 was my favourite number and 48 was hers, she never changed that name.

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