Chapter 7

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He moves me back into kats room and tries undoing my zipper on my jumper.

I slap his hand away and pull away from the kiss.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asks
"No, well I did! I shouldn't be doing this, we shouldn't be. And in kats room!" I burst out in tears

I fall on my knees and cover my eyes with my hands

"You what this don't fight it for kat! As your best friend she should understand!" He yells

"It doesn't matter what I want, kat has been nothing but supportive to me these last few days especially and I don't need you telling me any different!" I yell back and I run, I just run out the house and drive home.

I run up to my room and go to my bathroom floor and just sit there.

I don't know how long I was there for but I heard a constant ringing.

Shoot I forgot joey!

I answer

"Dude where you at? Anthony won't speak to me and I'm stuck at their house. Can you come?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm sorry I just.... I don't feel good..."

"Usually I would stay with ant but he is pissed off at something, did something happen after I left with him  and you?" He asks as I get into my car

"No, i don't know how I was in and out." I lie

Is he really that upset? What did I do wrong? And why does he want his? Whatever it is?

I get there and I text him I'm outside and joey comes out with Anthony, great.

"Come on joe I don't feel good let's just go!" I shout

"Is something going on between you two? You NEVER hang out! Anthony you would NEVER willingly help her out twice if she's not well. You had his jumper, yeah I know Leah! And he's pissed after you leave!" He's really smart if we are so suspicious

I start laughing hysterically but it definitely sounds fake.

"Wait what wait! You though something went on with us?" I start laughing again, "believe me I would NEVER date him! NEVER!" Maybe now he can take a hint to back off. It's not that I would never , it's that I can never.

I can see the pain in his eyes, I had to do this, for him to back off. It's for him, to let him go. I don't even understand what I'm letting go.

"Yeah.... Okay.... Ant why the fuck are you so annoyed then?" Joe says

"Just some girl I screwed for fun.... I thought she was something... she called me earlier and told me she had some other guy to usebaround. You know how I get when girls do that."


Of course he does that and throws that in my face.

He strolls back in his house and joe gets in the car.

"Hey I'll drive if your ill." he smiles
"Thanks, and trust me there will be no universe where I would date him." I promise

"I guess so but you know he has feelings, that probably stabbed his black heart!" He jokes

"Ugh I'll apologise tomorrow or something at school." I roll my eyes, I do feel bad.

"Hold up, your not going school, your really ill, puking!" This is gonna last a lot longer than you think joe

"No it was just my diet. I'm fine! Just headache. I need to help Liam around also." I remember

"Liams a nice guy, anything between you two?" He smirks

"Omg how can you be so popular you and Anthony yet not know which the whole school knows is that he's gay."

"Huh that explains why the girls where backing off a bit and the guys were less tense at the thought off their girls leaving them." He says

"Ugh boys." I scoff


It's the next day and it's day two of vomiting


I'm driving to liams house this morning after driving to the place where joeys car is to pick it up.

I'm kinda relieved I won't have to drive him to Anthony's anymore.

I wait outside liams house and text him I'm here

He comes out after a few minutes and gets in

"Hey." I say

"Hey, second day of school! Yay! Ugh! I'm already so tired!" He whines

"Yep well we have, I have history and you have Spanish. I'll just have to show you Spanish earlier because history is further away."


Today I can help kat out and find out what Chloe likes.


History is so boring. The teacher literally reeks of coffee too, like stale coffee.

I lean over and whisper to Chloe, "hey, how's Kat first tutoring lesson go?"

"It was great she's really smart and pretty." She said far to quickly, "I uh mean-."


"Don't worry about it, hey do you like romance or comedies?"

"Hmm I love a good rom-com but if both. But I especially love the whole love doctor story line type thing. You know that one person trying to help two people be together, if that ever was happening to me I couldn't resist it."

That is me, I'm a love doctor, yay me!

But I'm also a pregnant teen who has greatly betrayed her bestie and now has lost any hope of father in the baby's life.

My life is.... I don't have a word for it

"I personally love a good enemies to lovers! I love the whole they hate each other but there's that sexual tension there that everyone sees and they have this one night but hate each other the next day! I just, wow!" I reply

"Okay that sounds like great! Almost too real!" She gets back to work then I realise

We're me and Anthony enemies.

There wasn't any sexual tension either...
Until now!

Did I just think that?

Ugh what is he doing to me?

Day two, take two of lunch hopefully without puking.

Liam is with his teacher sorting out something so I'm just sitting with other friends.

Joey comes over after and calls me over.

"Hey what's up?"

"I need you help you are the only one who knows what happened with ant. He's depressed and just sitting there in the locker room I can't get through to him, can you try, he might need girl help!"

I walk with him to the locker room.
Maybe I can help. Ugh he's hurt and I'm playing with his feelings. I'm such a dick

I tell joe to leave us alone and to help Liam get to

I open the door and ant is just sitting there.

"Look I came here to apologise. Yesterday I didn't mean that. I didn't want joey to know. I am so sorry just please don't be mad."


"Okay?" I sit opposite him

"Look Miller, I'm literally not doing you any favours doing this to you, I'll stop, find some girl or something. I'm sorry for dragging you down with my life."

I move next to him  and take his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry." I say

He looks over at me and I look too.

Why does this feel right and why are we always doing this exact thing after something between us.

I lean in this time and kiss him, but it isn't rough, it's nice.

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