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The car is moving but I'm still in my sleep. I don't know when I slept in the theatre room and when he woke me up. But he said me to get freshen up sternly saying we are going somewhere. I always thought to go out when I'm held captivated by him. But to my surprise I neither shrieked out nor jumped in joy instead I shuffled more in the pillows wanting to sleep due to poor lack of sleep. I hardly slept for hours wanting me to sleep more. But he ordered me to get ready immediately I don't have choice. So I just took a bath and wore a rough pony tail and again slept in the car. He lowered my seat back and put a soft blanket on me as if I'm a baby. Not to deny the fact but it is nice. This gesture is nice one. I really don't know where he is taking me. Maybe to his hyungs. I felt the car screeching slowly. 

"Honey!!! We reached our destination". He wispered sweetly in her ear but not too near to her, just being in his personal space and it didn't took time to come to her senses from her sleep. The way is pretty long that she felt enough sleep. Slowly she opened her eyes. She got a little glimpse and thats when she saw something that will be hard to believe. Her eyes roamed to occupy the total scenario being hard to believe. Is it real.  She immediately remove the blanket and got out of the car to have a look to believe that it is true.

It's her house. The house from where he took her away. The house where she grew up. She stare at the house for a good time and she got aware of his presence beside her. She looked at him with her wide eyes. He smiled to her. She didn't thought he would bring her here. He was not ready to let her go till yesterday and today he bought her to her house. It's hard to give any reaction to him. His personality didn't made her beleive that he really bought her back. She again turned back to fullfill the scenario of her house in her eyes. Her eyes glistened little looking at the house.

"Don't wait. Go in and surprise them".

"They don't know that I was coming"? She asked him.

"No. They don't know. And don't worry, I bought your luggage already. Go in". He said to her.


So she us staying here.

Her heart felt joyous and relief. The safest place and the happiest place. Before he kidnapped her she never thought to describe what her home is for her. But today, describing looked more important.

She will be safe here. Warmth will be flowing in the air.

A smile spread on her lips.

He looked at her face. Finally.......he saw them. Her smile. He smiled too looking at her smile. After these many days she smiled again. If he proceeds his plan then he can win her for sure. He can't help but get motivated by each small gesture by her. Just her smile gives him immense hope. Hope for everything to achieve, everything to change, everything to return. It's her power that she doesn't know. An encouragement rushed trough his body that he can do it. That he can make her forget, forgive him, and make her his. He felt relieved. He can do it.

He saw her marching towards her house in normal pace. Her hand raised up and the two knocks vibrated in her own ear. After a couple of seconds she heard shuffling. It is her mother. She discovered her presence even before she saw her completely. Soon the door opened and even before they look each other she was fast and fell in her mother hug. Her mother too catched her even before she see who she was but immediately realised that it is non other than her daughter. Her mother's hand travelled to her caressing as if it checking that of she is real or not. After the confirmation the tears ran trough her eyes same as yn's. The man is just looking at them leaning on the car with his folded hands. They parted from there hug before  wiping there tears even before each other sees and looked at there faces with a gentle smile.

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