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Chapter - 45

"We should have a serious talk".

A confused expression laced on Verena's face pretending as innocent as ever.

"What is it Yn"? She asked in her smooth voice and yn sighed in disdain.

"You went to Taehyung office . . . .and said he was in a meeting with a busy schedule, isn't it"? She voiced out with suspicion laced on her tone as her eyes narrowed a bit.

"Y-yeah but----

"But he said he wasn't in a meeting. He says that he was totally available".

Her voice came more stern and confident shutting her mouth. Her gaze, her voice, her eyes are speaking the suspicion she have over Verena. Her thoughts are running about all the various questions she prepared a list to ask while she wanted all of them  waiting for a reasonable answers for lying her. She does don't want her to be the wrong one or more like a villain here as she is Taehyung's friend.

But at the same time she is a bit agitated with the amount of lies she lied. They are purely blunder lies which didn't profit anything no matter how many reasons she made in Verena's favour.

"I. . . I have a reason to say that".

"You mean, . . . have a reason to lie"?

Taken aback with her straightforward question she tried to answer properly without stuttering.

"I didn't intend to".

"You are not drunk and you are not an unsound mind. Then how can you say that you didn't intend to lie when you lied so smoothly Verena".

"Him having meetings, saying not to call him while he literally asked to contact his PA phone. And out of all you said he forbade me in meeting him while he was waiting for me in the office. And you still didn't intend to lie while these all are clearly lies"? 

She can't help but raise her voice a bit more than usual as she continued to speak. Her words and voice are no more in her control or conscience as she kept on spilling the things.

She decided to have an actual talk with her but the way she was denying her do's  instead of explaining, somehow agitated yn as she started to snap at her.

"Answer me Verena. Why did you lied"?

"B-because, i-it's for your favour".

"Our favour, what kind of favour Verena? I didn't find any good from your lies".

"Ofcourse there is good in my lies. C-cant you see you proposed him. I-isn't it because of me"?

Yn stared at her for a moment as silence prevailed the hall. She moulded her lies into a perfect reason. But yn can feel that her lies are not somehow intend to benefit her. And out of all, lying about not letting her meet him is not something profitable for them.

But out of all she felt stupid of Verena for one thing.

"Verena. I don't want to, but I can't help in hurting you. First of all it is not because of you why i proposed him. It's because he earned it from me. It's not you who was convincing me to love him from a while. It is him who is making efforts to make me fall for him and it did work. And about proposing . . .it is me who gave a thought about it and took the dare to confess my feelings. So Verena, if you think your lies made some effort on your relationship, no. It is not".

"Well. Your lies at the dining hall surely did some work as it only made me to confess my feelings in a rush. But none of your lies relating to Office made any effort in pushing our relationship. Infact, those lies felt like they are making us apart. And I'm not convinced with your excuse Verena".

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