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Chapter - 54

Reaching to the office she immediately took the lift and noticed there are no one but very few. It is Sunday today and it is obvious that employees doesn't come today.

On reaching to the floor she walked forward hurriedly and reached to the office. She saw Verena inside and immediately pressed the password to open the door.

She wondered how Verena know the password but didn't gave much thought as she still remembered that once she visited his office.

As soon as she entered the office she saw her sitting on the desk authoritatively or maybe trying to look authoritative but failed as her petite form is small and thin. Yet that didn't mean she gave good vibes. There is some dark aura around her a little crazy. She was looking ahead blankly and spoke.

"You came"? She asked Yn still keeping her gaze blank. Yn brows furrowed on seeing such mood of her as she lost everything
But partly there is some dangerous silence in her. 

Without replying she came to the point.

"What's with your actions. Where are the books"?  She asked with no non-sense attitude and Verena looked up at her.

"Come on. Is it how you greet me"?

"If you called me just fir greeting i would have given you by the phone already. As you know u came fir the books. Give them to me".

"I despise you a lot".  She spoke in a calm way with non-chalant expressions ok her to face.

"Fortunately I too despise you. Not as much as you do to me. But much more far".  Yn spoke as she have no time for non-sense. She planned to take that books away fastly and get back to him even before he reach her. She knows him. If it is too much late he will reach to her already.

" I tried many things to break you both. And look. Finally you are break". There is that lazy and tired expression on her face but there is that hint of happiness in her twitched lips and blank gaze.

" I'm just away from him. That doesn't mean we are broke. I will go to him soon".

" You can't. And you won't. I wilk not let you go away from here. And don't blame me. You are making me do such things".

Yn brows furrowed on listening to her. She surely got negative vibes but didn't know about what exactly she us saying, more like warning.

" What are you talking about".

As if Verena was fed up talking to her she was going to answer while rolling her eyes, when her face flickered on her neck.

A prominent red and pink bruise on her side neck. Her calm brows twitched a little on studying them and in no matter if time she understood what it is.  Just by seeing it her eyes spilled the tears but they stopped at their bay. Her calm composure us long gone.

"You did deed with Taehyung yesterday night"?  She asked to confirm her doubts. Her voice came out bitter.

"You don't have to know about it. It's not your concern. And stop all this Verena. I'm tired of convincing you nicely".

Her eyes flickered back at yn's face as she looked at her intently with her head tilted to side lightly. With low voice she said.

"Fine.....You stop loving him and i will stop loving him too".

" I won't ". The answer is like an instant reflex. It us a big no to her. Now she loved him she will always love him. There is no going back.

"Even if i stop loving him he certainly doesn't stop loving me. More over, he will not love you no matter what. You are not in his heart. Get this thing in your mind".

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