Chapter 5

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Proofreader: Jesse

Wu Han Ying had an early class, so before leaving he logged into the game and set up the stall. As he looked in Little Wudang's inventory he realized that nothing in the bag was valuable except for that Emei school skill book, he marked the price for 300 gold and then went to class.

{Translator Note: In this game, you have three ways to make money: 1. Kill the monsters and get the gold dropped by them; 2. Sell the items you have to either the NPC or to the players. Usually if you sell it to the players you will get more money, the downside is that the item has to be rare and hard to find; 3. Use real money to buy gold: if any of you have played Pokemon Go, you will be familiar with the money faction in that game where you have to use your real money to buy the pokemon money to buy the ball. The same concept is this game, you have to have lot of money and then stock them up with your real money ^^}

When Wu Han Ying returned in the afternoon he found out that the skill book had been sold. His roommates heard that he only sold it for 300 gold. They scolded him for being such an idiot, for not knowing how to make a profit out of his resource; especially when the resource is in his hands. Wu Han Ying quickly retorted back by saying that no one would buy if it was too expensive, so he thought a 300 gold amount was a moderate price. Plus, he wanted to get his hands on the money right away so he could use it to buy a mount. He had realized that a little Wudang girl running around on her feet looked quite pitiful.

After they finished their lunch the other three skipped their last class and went home. They all knew that on Friday afternoons, the ancient Chinese literature professor never took attendance.

Wu Han Ying did not plan to go home this weekend so he stayed behind and went to class. It would not affect his overall grade for the course whether he attended today's lecture or not, and it wasn't like he would fail the class. But since he has a love for ancient Chinese literature he came early to snatch a good seat for himself.

Since it was Friday quite a few people wanted to go home early to try and miss the crowded public bus. It was common knowledge that the schools were dismissed at 4 o'clock, and there was an elementary school nearby, which means that the already crowded bus would then be packed even further to accommodate a group of little children, that was very annoying.

With that being said many people also came to this class, but most of them were girls. It was not that those girls were interested in ancient Chinese text, it was actually because of Professor Xia. He is the ancient Chinese literature professor that has a good looking face. This is what Wu Han Ying thought at least, but the girls did not think like that. A bunch of them were saying that he is so handsome, others were saying they want to faint due to his handsomeness and there were even more who said that they worshiped Xia Chen like a mythical being.

Wu Han Ying was able to grab a seat in the fourth row so he knew he came just in time. The professor had come in and set his laptop down on the podium and just opened it when a crowd of girls surrounded him even before he could look at the screen. The girls began to cheerfully chirp away as Wu Han Ying noticed that the sea of girls surrounding Professor Xia looked airtight.

Xia Chen, this person's only good point was his good looking face. His eyes had the perfect shape of a water hyacinth, they were long and narrow which gave off a cold aura to other people. Only his appearance had such flawless perfection, Wu Han Ying thought that this person's personality was cold, grumpy and ignorant. He was really good at making others feel his arrogance. The girls said that this is called "manly"! Those negativites that Wu Han Ying saw did not fade his popularity, it only made people fascinated with him even more. Wu Han Ying rolled his eyes without saying anything further...

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