Chapter 37

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Proofreader: Jesse

The next day Wu Han Ying directly went back to the dorm after he finished his classes, his family called him last week and told him to come home this weekend. Even though he really did not want to go, he really hadn't been home for over a month already; in the end, he still packed up everything and went home.

Before he left the dorm, he logged into the game to let everyone know that he would not be online over the weekend. Saturday is the perfect day to relax by playing the game, but as he thought about his 8-year-old cousin at home...forget it, it was better not to let her smash his laptop.

Wu Han Ying's home was not very close from school, but it also wasn't considered far either; he just needed to take three different buses to get home; the total trip took about 2 hours and 30 minutes. 5 o'clock is rush hour, so it is inevitable that the buses he was riding would be stuck in a traffic jam.

When Wu Han Ying got onto the second bus his phone started to ring. After looking at the caller ID, he really didn't want to pick up. He had no choice but to take the call because he knew the ringing wouldn't stop until he did.

After briefly saying a few greetings, his aunt asked, "What time will you be back? Do you want your uncle to pick you up? He happens to be around that area?"

Wu Han Ying said no need to bother him; the bus has just reached the station that is close to home.

The other line also said if you don't need a pickup it will be around 7 or 8 o'clock before you get home. That is pretty late to have to wait for you so everyone can have dinner together; what with your grandma being so old and your cousin being so young, it isn't good for them to be eating so late. She was essentially saying they weren't going to wait for him.

Wu Han Ying replied with "uh-huh" as he was exiting the bus and added that he will eat out before coming home tonight.

It was some time passed 7 o'clock when he got off the bus, it started to get dark early in the winter season; even though the street lights were turned on, they weren't giving off a lot of light.

Wu Han Ying was getting slightly tired from squeezing his way through the people on the buses and he had also started to develop a minor case of motion sickness. After walking around he was starting to feel lazy so he decided to go home directly. He wasn't that hungry and skipping one meal wouldn't be bad. Even if someone was to give him a feast, he doubted that he would be able to eat any.

Right when he made a turn at the alley of his home, a black shadow fiercely rushed over to him. The quick motion scared him since it was dark and he couldn't see clearly. At first he thought it was a stray cat, but then he felt something very warm hugging his leg.

"Big brother!"

Wu Han Ying was surprised to hear a child's voice coming from the thing that was clinging onto his leg; when he looked he saw a little child wearing a lavender jacket, his height was just about his leg.

"Why are you here?" His eyes lit up in recognition, he remembered last week he had encountered this little bun {baozi//toddler} in front of the school cafeteria; he vaguely remembered that it was Professor Xia's nephew.

Thinking about the last time this little bun kept on calling Professor Xia as "Xiao Chen Chen" he couldn't help remembering how the professor's face turned gloomy at the nickname, he could not hold onto his laughter throughout the encounter.

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