Chapter 45

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Proofreader: Jesse

Wu Han Ying thought about it for a long time before he could come up with the right way to explain it clearly to the girl that the biggest bunny is not really a bunny... plus he really did not bring a bunny family with him ah.

Right when the little girl left he saw a toad green shadow come running over, stop in front of a herb bush nearby and proceeded to bend over to collect the herb.

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: Oh! How can you alone bring 3 BB?

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: Really funny ah

Wu Han Ying looked at the biggest bunny, which is really Love You 59 Seconds; he was jumping around Xiao Wu., but the minute Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang arrived he stood still and didn't move.

Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang was riding his mount as he was getting closer to them, he seemed to be looking at the three bunnies. He then started to imitate the big bunny and chased after it for two rounds; Wu Han Ying really wanted to laugh out loud watching a male character riding a deer chasing after a bunny all while singing happily.

Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang was entertaining himself when the biggest bunny suddenly "whoot" cancelled the transformation state and shot a Setback Arrow at him.

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: The hell!

Love You 59 Seconds only shot the other off the mount and did not attack him further; within the blink of an eye he transformed back into the big bunny and continued to jump around "Xiao Wu." ...

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: Love You 59 Seconds, ??? you; haven't you killed enough

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: I won't be disturbing your precious time with each other!

{Nearby}[Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang]: It's fine as long as I leave, right

Wu Han Ying's mouth twitched as he watched the big bunny jump back and forth next to him, just like a flea. If Yun Tou - Zhuan Xiang did not say anything in the nearby channel, he would think he was being dazzled.

After waiting for almost an hour, the sabres were still hanging over Love You 59 Seconds' head. Wu Han Ying decided to ask him how long it takes to clean ones sabres. Two words popped up over the other's head --- don't know...

Finally when it was almost 10:30, Love You 59 Seconds said he doesn't want to clean the sabres anymore and headed back to town.

Therefore, Xiao Wu. obediently followed Love You 59 Seconds back to the city, but the most depressing thing was Love You 59 Seconds decided to keep his bunny form for the trip back. Just talking about the bunny alone, the jumping speed has always been very slow and during the transformation state, the player cannot use any skills.

Wu Han Ying supported his chin with his hand while he watched Xiao Wu. follow after the bunny on the screen, they were moving little by little. When they encountered monsters on the way, he just threw over a few pink petals to kill them off. Fortunately, Xiao Wu. had already surpassed level 80, it was a piece of cake to deal with level 20+ monsters, so escorting a big bunny across the map was not a big deal. A few of the monsters got away and started to attack the big bunny, which caused his head to tilt to the side.

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