Chapter 30: Things Miss Eversley Didn't Know She Wanted

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Chapter 30: Things Miss Eversley Didn't Know She Wanted

There was one week before the wedding and Nicola slumped against the chair in the parlour of her father's London townhouse. She allowed her gaze to examine the blooms of her garden that spread in a spectacular show outside while she waited for her meeting with Hugh. Blissfully, for the moment at least, she was enjoying a rare morning alone while her father had stepped out for his daily stroll and chat. Jason would be present soon for her meeting with Hugh, along with Nathaniel and Oliver, who had promised the boy a number of treats in the form of various gentlemanly activities to while away the afternoon, instead of his normal reading and writing lessons.

The last three weeks had been fretful and so terribly busy Nicola had hardly known what to do with the sheer pressure of it all. Lady Blackwood and Blanche had been by her side through the preparations that needed attention for the wedding, attending every luncheon, ball, soiree and picnic London had to offer, and of course Jason had been present consistently. Encouraging, supportive, endearing, and bless him, hopelessly romantic.

Even now, her nose twitched with the impending sneeze lingering at the back of her throat, caused by the sheer volume of rose blooms placed in various vases throughout the parlour room, courtesy of Jason himself. Every time he had called upon her, a new bouquet was in his hand, a new item of jewellery, a new portrait (some not so savoury and meant to be adored in private), a piece of literature he thought she would admire, a rare orchid he had come across or ordered (lewd man), even a kitten, but she had been seized with affront on her olfactory senses and the poor thing had to be rehomed- to Nathaniel, of all people.

Her time with him had been consistent yet fleeting, and at times they were allowed precious stolen moments alone, but not for long enough. At times, Nicola had to shake herself mentally, for she couldn't quite conceive that years of pining and wanting had accumulated to this, to marrying Jason Blackwood, and him loving her in return. She had never once, in her wildest imaginings, allowed herself to actually envision it. It had been a fantasy, she had loved him yes, but she never once allowed herself to think that perhaps he may ever return those sentiments, let alone marry her.

At present Wilhelmina was in residence at Northwick in anticipation of the wedding, which meant the family was spending more time away from the estate and frequenting London on many 'essential' trips to the city, despite that the ceremony would occur in Northwick's small parish followed by a luncheon with close friends and family at the estate itself.

Hugh appeared from the other side of the street, sprinting across it with a youthful gait, his satchel bouncing against his hip. It was not busy as of yet, the hour still early and just past noon, so there wasn't any real traffic, foot or carriage, prevalent. He was dressed smartly today in a small blue coat and neat grey trousers, the wind tousling his hair which was growing far too long. Nicola stood in anticipation to receive him and watched as he disappeared down the road to the side of the house that wound round the back for the servants, but her eye suddenly caught on another figure.

She wouldn't normally pay such a thing any heed except for the obvious way that this man seemed to be following Hugh and, as he crossed the street, his pace picked up, suddenly quickening as he too disappeared round the side of the house.

Alarm went through her. Perhaps it was the boy's father, deciding that it best he accompany him from now on? In which case, Nicola should allay her fears in the very least and-

She didn't allow herself to reason the plausibility that it was merely Hugh's relative, deciding it best to see for herself, and she hitched her skirts and ran out the front entrance of the house, ignoring the carriages and horses mingling on the street suddenly, and then she was full out sprinting when she heard a definitive child-like yell coming from the direction of the narrow street to the side.

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