8; -Final Chapter-

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Charles' P.O.V:

I was sitting there, watching TV and feeling sorry for myself. I had lost my best friend and my girlfriend today just because of my stupid mistakes. I looked down and sighed.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door and I flinched. I noticed a shadow outside the window and rolled my eyes.

"My dad probably forgot his keys again," I said while getting up and rubbing my eyes.

I opened the door and said, "Alright, what did you forget this time-"

Henry was standing there.

I looked up at the taller male and stuttered.

"H-Henry?," I said, "W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize," he said, calmly.

"For what?"

"Because I was too pushy," he said, "I should've respected your sexuality and moved on, instead I got mad and broke our friendship."

"I like how we both refer to ourselves as friends and ignore all the fights and shit we've done to each other in the past."

He chuckled and looked down at me.

"I'm really sorry."

I shook my head and said, "I'm the one who should be sorry. I totally blew you off and acted extremely rude."

I smiled at him and realized he was still standing outside.

"Would you want to come in?"

"Sure," he said while walking in.

I looked at him as we both sat down.

He looked at a picture of me and my dad hanging on the wall and said, "Where does your dad work...?"

I shrugged. "He has two jobs, I think one is a teacher and he works night shifts at the collage..."

His eyes widened and he looked at me.

"Your dad is a teacher?..."

"A math one, yes.."

He stared at the picture. After about ten minutes of silence, he finally said, "Cool.."

We sat there in awkward silence until he said, "You wont believe what happened at the dance.."

"What happened?"

"Delilah's little friend group had dissed her, so Ellie stepped in and it got physical. Then Ellie punched the shit out of Lila's buddy and they both got kicked out of the dance. After they talked it out, they ended up dating.."

"Wow," I said while smirking, "My ex found a new girl 6 hours after we broke up.."

He smiled and said, "There are plenty of straight-A fish in the sea."

I looked back at him and said, "Yeah, but I'm not a straight-A student anymore."

"Oh yeah, how were your grades anyways?"

I showed him and his eyes bulged out like a frog's eyes looking at it.

"Holy shit, these are really your grades?"

"I don't know how it happened.."

He chuckled and said, "Welcome to the future outlaw club, Charlie."

"One, don't call me that," I said, "And two, I'll pass, thank you."

He laughed at my little joke and we smiled at each other.


"Yeah, Charles?"

"What was in the gift you gave me?"

He shrugged and said, "Here, see for yourself."

I grabbed it from him and stared at it. 

I unwrapped the unusually flat gift and inside was a sketch book and some pencils. The sketch book's cover was a government-style print.

He kind of blushed and said, "I know you take art class, so I got you that so maybe.. oh I don't know.. you could draw me something? It's stupid, never mind-"

"Aw Henry," I said, "Since this is such a gracious gift, who do want me to draw?"

He stared up at me and handed me a old, ripped up photo. It was a woman holding a very young child and smiling while tears pour down her face in joy.

"It's my..." he said, "My mother.."

I smiled and said, "Of course I'll draw her for you."

"Oh and," he said while taking off his bow, "Draw her with this on."

"Okay!," I said, "Thanks for the gift! Sorry I rejected it earlier.."

"It's okay," he said while rubbing the back of his head.

He looked at his watch and said, "Well, I think I need to get going."

I looked at him and said, "Okay then.."

He got up and was about to walk out the door, until I grabbed his arm and said, "Wait, Henry..?"


I looked up at him and said, "I had a lot of fun talking to you. Even if I didn't get to go to the dance..."

He smiled and said, "Same, I left early to come see you."

We just sat there, staring at each other. Slowly, he leaned down at me until our faces were two inches apart.

Our eyes closed as our lips touched.

We sat there, our hand intertwined for what seemed like forever, until he pulled away from me and stared into my eyes.

I smiled and blushed.

Henry then said, "Oh shit, I'm so sorry I don't know what I was-"

"Henry," I said, "It's fine."

I leaned in for another kiss and he seemed shocked, but accepted anyways.

Third person P.O.V:

Just then, Charles' dad's car pulled up to the driveway and saw what's going on the porch.

He smiled and said, "I knew it from the start, Mr. Stickmin."

He grabbed a picture on his dashboard and looked at it.

It was him and Henry's mother as teenagers.

It was him and Henry's mother as teenagers

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883 words :D

Next page for info..

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