59. last one

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Y/N Pov.:

It's been 2 weeks later and today would see our last house. "This is our last one."

"It is. Also the one we liked the most from the pictures." Tom said.

"That's right. I also like it that it isn't in the city. But also not that far away." i said.

"That's true. Let's just see how we find it in real life." he said. I smiled at him and we enjoyed the last minutes of the ride.

After a while we finally parked at the sidewalk in front of the house. "It's big." he said.

"It isn't that much bigger than our childhood homes." i said.

"That's right." he said and we both walked to the door. We rang the doorbell and seconds later a woman opened the door.

"You must be the people that are interested in this house. I'm Jenna. Y/N and Tom, right ?" she asked politely.

"Yes." i said exited.

"Well, than let's start. I would show you around a little bit." she said and lead us in. "You can let your shoes on."

We walked inside the opens room. "The first floor could be perfect for living room, dining table and the kitchen. You have already the big tv in the house and on the right side could perfectly fit a kitchen. All these natural elements from the outside were tried to also put in the inside." she told.

"I like that it is so open." Tom said. "And the view."

We walked over to the glass doors and she opened them for us to walk outside. "That's right. That this house i built on a small mountain means that you have a good view over this part of the city. Also this terrace can be used as an outside eating place or just to chill. The larg windows also bring good natural light in the house and you can also enjoy some view from the inside."

"That's lovely." i said. She than showed us around more on the first floor and told us more about the building. Then we went upstairs to the 2, floor.

"Here would be the 3 bedrooms. One master bedroom and the other two can used at guest rooms or as nursery's, if you want." we went went in the master bedroom. "This would be then probably your bedroom. I can tell you much to it because here isn't anything inside. There is just a balcony that you can go on and the walk in clothet.

We went on the balcony and the view again looked beautiful and the walk in closet was luckily not too big.

After that we went in the other room that were the very similar to each other and at last the bathroom. "This would be the main bathroom. Shower, bathtub, 3 sinks and 2 toilets. At the end of the floor is also a small bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. But that will probably just used for guest and not for you or family. Just like the one in the first floor just with a shower."

"I love all these wood thing everywhere." i said.

"It makes it more homey." he said.

"That right. You can literally find the stone and wood in nearly every room." she said. She then showed us the attic but didn't know what we could do with it. After that we went in the basement.

"You told that you wanted to have extra rooms. One for a study room and one for a maybe gym. Well, this has both. It's an open basement except that a door leads to a room, probably your study room. Then just can use the rest as a home gym. It's also sunlight in here because these glas doors lead to the garden." she said and lead us outside.

I just loved this house right now. I could really see myself live here with Tom and kids.

Toms Pov.:

Until now the house was just perfect. It's like what we dreamed of. And of the expression i could figure out of Y/N she also liked it.

"This be your second smaller terrac." she said and we stood on it. "It would give you a good view over the garden. Also you can walk from the terrace over you to the garden. With this little eating table on the side and the stone stairs that lead through the garden and downstairs where your pool would be."

"This garden is big." he said.

"It is, but it's worth it. I would let you two alone now to go through everthing you want alone. If you need me i would be in the living room." she said and then walked away from us.

Y/N just grabbed his hand and they walked together down the stairs to the pool.

"This looks nice. I like it." he said as he saw the pool.

"Me too. Also the view is great from everywhere." she said.

"It is." he said and looked at her.

"Let's go back upstairs and i don't know do what." she said and grabbed his hand again.

On the way upstairs he realised that they walked way slower that they did before. He turned over to her and saw her smiling around the garden and house. He knew this smile and the light in her eyes. It was when she had a beautiful thought or day dream.

That was the moment when he knew that she loved this house and that both knew this is their future.

"It's beautiful isnt it ?" he asked her and she looked smiling at him and nodded. He walked with her back in the living room to the woman.

"And, did you make up your mind about the house ?" she asked.

He looked down at Y/N and she looked up at him. Then he looked back at the woman in front of them.

"This is the house. It's perfect." he said."We will take it."

"You sure ?" Y/N asked him and he looked down at her again.

"I know that you love this house and i do too. I see our future here, so yes i'm sure." he said and she nodded smiling.

"Well, congratulations. We could do the paperwork now and then you have your house." the woman said and after an hour everything fast finishes. They got the keys and told the woman goodbye.

Both sitting now in the car but not driving already. He looked over to her and she looked already at him with tears in her eyes.

"On no, why are you crying ?" he asked her chuckling and out his hand on her cheek.

"We just bought our future house. The house we will grow old in and our kids will grow up in and our grandchildren will play in." she said and tears rolled down her cheek that he slowly wiped away.

"Oh darling. You are getting emotional." he said and she playfully rolled her eyes. "I know how much this means to you and it does to me too. I can't wait for the moment when we finished this house from the inside to finally move in to it."

"Me too, Tommy." she said.

"Than let's go somewhere and tell the others." he said.

"Somewhere ? Why don't you say home ?" she asked.

"Because our home is here." he winked at her. He knew that a huge smile was on her face and it made him the happiest man alive.

( the house on the top would be yours. If not than maybe just imagine one that still a little fit in the description. I will also put in some pictures when it comes to the part from moving in. Some bedroom or kitchen ideas i think would good fit in there.)

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