64. plan

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Y/N Pov.:

"Tommy, come back to bed !" i whined.

"Darling, i can't." he said and sat down on my bed and put my hair behind my ear.

"Why ?" i groaned.

"As i told you before, i'm gonna meet up with the boys." he said gently.

"We saw them 2 days ago. Why can't i come with you ?" i asked.

"Boys day, darling. Except you want to hear us talkin about sport and horror movies." he said.

"Okay, you got me with horror movies. Enjoy your day. Just let me stay here alone." i said.

"What about you got to your parents again ?" he asked.

"Will do. Now go, before the boys miss you." i teased.

"Always funny." he said and leaned down to kiss me. "Love you."

"Love you too." he stood up and left my bed room. "Don't be gone for so long !"

"I will text you !" he screamed back.

Toms Pov.:

"What did you want to talk about, mate ?" Haz asked. All the boys sitting in Toms and Hazs old house, aka only Toms houses anymore.

"And so early in the day." Tuwain said. "It's a littl early to get drunk."

"That's not why i wanted you to come here." he said.

"Then tell us." Harry said.

"So you guys said that i could count on you with the proposal." he said. All eyes whidened.

"No way." Haz said.

"Wait, what proposal ?" Tuwain asked.

"Tom said that he wanted to propose to Y/N soon, 2 days ago. And it seems like it's sooner than we thought." Sam said exited.

"Really ? Oh my god, congratulations." Tuwain said happy.

"Well, she didn't said yes yet." he said.

"When do you want to propose ?" Haz asked.

"I thought it would be cute to tell the world that Y/N is my fiancée?" he said with an asking end.

"At the Late night show ?" Harry asked and he nodded. "That's in a little more than 2 weeks."

"You sure about that ?" Tuwain asked.

"Well, not really. So i'm sure that i want to marry her soon and that it would be cute to tell the world that we are engaged. But i wanted your opinion and then of course the one of Josh and her parents." he said.

"I'm in it. Go for it." Sam said.

"Same. But do you will get everything sorted for the proposal in such a short time ?" Haz asked.

"I will try it. I know she wouldn't want something extra but still special." he said.

"Where would you do it ?" Harry asked.

"In New York. But i know how important family and everthing is for her. And i thought about that i maybe let everyone fly in." he said. "You could all come to the late night show the day after."

"You really planned that through didn't you ?" Tuwain asked.

"Kind of." he said.

"As you can see we are all in for it. But the most important opinions would be her family. So i think it's better if you move your ass and go to them to talk about." Haz said.

"Y/N is at her parents house right now." he said.

"But Josh isn't." Harry said.

"You mean i should go now ?" he asked.

"Do you wanna waist more time ? Get your ass up and for it." Sam said and they littler pushed him out the house. After a drive to Josh's and Evelyns house he knocked at their door.

"Tom ? Great to see you, mate." Josh said and they did this bro hug and then he went inside.

"Tom,hi. How are you ?" Evelyn asked and hugged him.

"Good, thank you." he said and sat down on the couch.

"What got you over ? Is everything okay with Y/N ?" Josh asked and sat down on the couch as well.

"No everthing fine with her. She should be over at your parents house." he said.

"Good. Then what are you doing here ?" Josh asked. "We don't mind having you over, it's just random for you to come alone."

"That's right. I actually wanted to talk with you or both of you about something." he said. Evelyn walked fast over and sat down next to Josh.

"What is it ?" she asked very interested.

"I want to propose." he blurred out really fast. It wa quiet for a while and he looked up to see their shocked faces.

"Say that again." Josh said.

"I want to propose." he said again and a little slower.

"Oh my god !" Evelyn screamed and pulled him in a hug. "When ?"

"In nearly 3 weeks ?" he said. "I wanted to ask for a like permission ? Or opinion. I know you ask only her dad for permission but Josh is like the most important person in her life."

"Do you think she's ready for that ?" Josh asked still slightly shocked.

"Well, she said that she would be ready for everthing. And i feel it would be right. But i wanted your opinions." he said nervous.

"Why in already 3 weeks ?" Josh asked.

"Uhm... we decided to go public in the late night show in 3 weeks. And it just came in m mind that it would be cute if we could tell them that we are engaged. It would also give her maybe even more reassuring that i won't leave her and that i will go through everthing with her." he said.

"You sure you won't leave her ? Even if she would get pregnant now ?" Josh asked. Toms exes whidened slightly.

"Josh !" Evelyn slapped his chest.

"What ? Just want to make sure that the worst senecio won't happen. Don't know what would happen to her then." Josh said kidn if sad at the end.

"I can promise you that i won't leave her for anything on earth. If you would get pregnant than i would go through this with her. I wouldn't leave her." he said.

"Good, than you have m permission." Josh said and Tom started to smile.

"Thank you so much." he said.

"And i can tell than i'm not her favourite person for a long time now." Josh said and Toms smile softened. "It's you, if you didn't get it."

"Thanks." he said.

"Well, than tell us more about a plan you have." Evelyn said and he started to tell them everthing.

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