11. Family business

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"My little Amara, this is our family business, and I have chosen you as my successor".

My father's words shocked me.

"Family business?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Yes my child, this has been what the chiefs of old have been doing to keep the village up and running, all the expensive clothes we wear, the food, everything is from this business". He said.

"What exactly is this business father, what do you do? " I asked.

"Well, the people there have been divided into two, the young, vibrant males and females are to be sold... While the old and weak males and females were offered as sacrifices to the deities to make our business flourish, other rulers are also in need of such sacrifice, so they pay good money". He explained it to me as if it was such an amazing thing. I felt disgusted by him.

"Why are there white men here? Aren't they the ones we should hiding from?" I asked the question that has been eating me up.

"Oh! They are the middle men". He explained to me, excitedly.

"Middle men between you and whom, father?"

"The slave masters" he responded

"How could you?" I had never thought I would be this disappointed in my father.

He chuckled. "One day, you will understand-"

"No, I can never understand any of this!" I stood to my feet. "How can you sell your own brothers and sisters to slave masters?!"

"Quiet! How do you think we have been surviving all these years? They have known our location for decades, this is the best way to keep them from invading our village" Anyanwu defended.

"Oh, to keep them from invading our land, you hand our people to them on a platter? How awful can you be?!"

"Do not speak to Anyanwu in such manner! Do you know who she is?" My father interfered.

"I don't care who she is! I used to fear her, but now I see that she is a money-hungry woman who poses as a priestess, sending people to the dark forest just so these slave traders can have them... is that what you did to me? Tell everyone I am a witch just so you can bring me here? No wonder he-" I paused before the remaining words left my mouth.

"Who?" Anyanwu stood up facing me. "Finish your sentence!" She ordered intimidatingly.

I folded my hands on my chest. "No one"

She chortled and shook her head. "You must be talking about the deaf-mute man who took you to a hidden place, are you not?"

"I do not know what you are talking about, Anyanwu". I answered, looking straight into her eyes. Although my mind knew exactly who she was talking about, the man in the cave. I was busy thinking he was ignoring me, little did I know he was mute. My heart wrenched thinking that I abandoned him when he was seriously wounded.

She sneered. "You must think I am a fool. I know someone got to you before we could, and kept you away from us. But it seems you escaped," She took slow strides towards me.  "It would be wise of you to tell us where he is".

"I do not know what you are talking about, Anyanwu". I stood my ground.

"Enough, sit down, both of you". My father ordered. Anyanwu obeyed but I kept standing, my hands folded on my chest.

"Look, Chief, as much as I'm enjoying this drama between you and your daughter, my men and I don't have time to waste." The white man who fired the thunder stick spoke up. "Go back to your village and make sure the coast is clear for my men to come take more people tonight. It's a full moon night after all". He grinned deviously.

AMARA [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now