Mission 1: The 3 Warriors

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Izuku POV

I woke up to a unfamiliar location as I got a better look of the place as I guess it was some kind of office space as I saw that Momo was sleeping beside me as I thanked Kami she was alright.

Izuku: "Momo, wake up my love."

Momo: "Izuku! You're okay."

Momo gave me a very big and tight hug as she was crying over the fact of losing me as I hugged her to make her feel better as we got up, well I got while Momo was clinging onto me, not that I didn't mind."

Momo: "Where are we Izu?"

Izuku: "Couldn't tell you sweetheart."

I suddenly felt three strong energy levels in the room as I moved Momo behind me as I changed a ki blast as I saw the people who the energy levels belonged too. Three men, two that appear to be in their mid forties and the third man looks to be in his mid twenties.

 Three men, two that appear to be in their mid forties and the third man looks to be in his mid twenties

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???: "Whoa there kid

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???: "Whoa there kid. We're not here to hurt you two."

Izuku: "Who the hell are you guys and where are we?"

???: "Well if you'd put down the lazer blast, we'd tell you."

Izuku: "How am I should you know you won't attack?"

???: "We won't, we promise."

I stopped charging the ki blast as I stayed in front of Momo just incase as the guy in red started talking.

???: "My name is Dante."

???: "My name is Vergil, Dante's much more responsible twin brother."

Dante: "And total buzzkill."

Vergil: "And you're an idiot."

???: "I'm Nero, Vergil's son and I swear I will kick both of your asses right now if you don't stop."

Izuku: "Ok Dante, my name is Son Izuku Midoriya and this is my fiancé Momo Yaoyarozu."

Momo: "Nice to meet you three."

Dante: "Nice to meet ya kids, so you mind telling what happened to you two because we found you two outside, unconscious."

Izuku: "Well we're from a world where 80% of humanity is born with a power called quirks. Momo's quirk allows her to create any non-living objects using the lipids in her body as long as she knows the atomic structure."

Vergil: "Humans born with power. Incredible."

Nero: "How about your quirk squirt?"

Izuku: "Would you believe if I said I'm part alien, part human?"

Dante: "Yeah, Vergil and I are half demon."

Normal POV

Izuku then spent the next 20 minutes to explain to the devil hunters about his saiyan side, ki and god ki as they were in awe.

Vergil: "So you are part of a near extinct warrior race and have godly energy?"

Dante: "Can you show us?"

Izuku: "Sure. You're going to love this, trust me. You're seeing me in my base form."

Izuku powered up into a Super Saiyan as Dante, Vergil and Nero were impressed, Vergil especially.

Izuku: "This is me as a Super Saiyan."

Izuku's hair then spiked up further as lighting was flickering around him.

Izuku: "This form is a Super Saiyan that has ascended past the level of Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2."

Izuku then began to charge up again as things around the office started to rise as the three demon hunters were really shocked as they saw Izuku with really long hair and no eyebrows weirdly enough.

Izuku: "And this is Super Saiyan 3."

Momo watched Izuku in awe and love as he dropped back into his base form.

Izuku: "I'd show you my god forms but I'm feeling tried."

Dante: "Well you two can use one of the rooms upstairs." 

Dante led the two lovers upstairs as they went into one of the rooms and crashed for the night.

Dante: "I'd like to have a round with that kid."

Vergil: "He is most impressive. That strong yet so young."

Nero: "He could probably take all 3 of us on in a fight."

With Izuku and Momo

Izuku and Momo were preparing to go to sleep for the night as Momo looked upset as Izuku comforted her.

Izuku: "Momo, you ok?"

Momo: "Izuku, do you think we'll get back home?"

Izuku: "We will. I have absolute faith that Bulma and Bulla will get us back."

Momo: "But what if we never go back? We might not ever see our friends and family again, especially Eri. She'll feel alone without us and our friends and family won't be able to be at our wedding. I don't want our children to not be able to meet their grandparents."

Momo started crying as Izuku calmed her down by kissing her.

Izuku: "Don't think that Momo. We will return home."

Momo: "I just really miss Eri. Kami knows what she'll react to this."

Izuku: "I know but Eri has our friends and family to look after her. Now let's go to sleep."

Momo nodded as she and Izuku got into the bed as Izuku fell asleep.

Izuku: "Night Momo."

Momo kissed Izuku on the head as he dosed off as she looked at his body while blushing hard and drooling.

Momo: 'How can someone be so cute and be so hot at the same time? I love you so much Izuku, I can't wait for the day when you ravage me for the first time.'

Momo thought to herself as she went to sleep as she dreamed about Izuku.

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