"Mesdames et messieurs, notre avion est sur le point d'atterrir à l'aéroport international de Paris. Bon voyage. Au revoir!" The flight attendant said as our plane landed.

"What did they say?" I asked my sister, Lorraine.

"The flight is about to land. Come on." Lorraine told me and I put on my shoes and fixed my messy hair.

The flight from America to France was a long one. Almost 11 hours. I was so glad I didn't have to sit in this little seat for much longer.

We got out of the plane after it landed and called a taxi after crossing security and getting our luggage.

The drive from Paris to my aunt's village was almost 2 hours. I didn't understand why we had to go to a little village in the south of France when we were in Paris of all places.

"Where was it that auntie Marilyn lives again?" I asked Lorraine.

"It's a small village. We're almost there. It's called Eguisheim." She told me as she aimlessly flipped through a French magazine.

Eguisheim. What a stupid fucking name.

I looked out the window at the fields of flowers and grass passing by us. This place was very different from where I lived in New York. It felt empty and uneasy. I didn't understand why anyone would ever willingly live in such a boring place when there's a whole world out there.

I saw someone picking lemons from a tree nearby. I looked back at the person for a moment trying to make out a face but he was too far.

"What is it?" Lorraine asked.

"Nothing." I said turning back around.

"Isn't this place wonderful. I can already tell this summer is gonna be the best ever. I just have a feeling." Lorraine said as she stared out the window at the little houses and shops. "Do you like it?" She asked me.

Sometimes you can choose to not be a dick.

"Yes, I love it." I said with a fake smile.

"We're at your destination." The taxi driver said. He had a very thick French accent, just like everyone else here I assumed.

"Merci." I said. Those were one of the very few French words I knew. Lorraine was fluent in French since she took French classes and stayed in touch with our culture. I never seemed to care much about learning French.

Lorraine paid the driver and we pulled all our luggage out of the car and headed out.

"Wow." I said as I looked at the huge mansion in front of me.

"Auntie Marilyn wasn't lying. It is an estate and it looks even bigger in person than it did in the photos!" Lorraine said.

When I saw all the colourful, little houses and shops earlier, I expected my aunts place to be similar but this was different. It was different from the rest of the village and it was also situated slightly away from the little village on the top of a hill. Everything seemed so opulent and elegant.

We headed up the long, cobblestone driveway to the tall oak doors.

Lorraine knocked twice and very quickly a lady opened the door with a smile.

"Bonjour girls! So nice to meet you. I'm Julia, the housekeeper. Madame Monet is just here in the Sunroom." The lady in the apron said. She seemed to be in her mid 40's and had light brown, long hair which was braided. She gave a very warm and welcoming feeling.

I stared at the mansion in awe as we were taken to the sunroom. My aunt was sitting on a daybed with a wine glass in hand.

She stood up as soon as she saw us come in.

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