"Diana!" I heard my sister call from behind me as I lay on a lounge chair by the pool in my bikini, covered in suntan lotion.

I turned around and saw her waving at me to go over to her in the veranda where she was standing in a strapless long dress with peaches and apricots embroidered all over it. She was wearing a straw hat with a ribbon tied around it and holding a woven tote bag filled with clothes.

I walked over to her and sighed, crossing my arms. "Why do you need me? I'm trying to get a tan before I head back." I complained.

"Diana don't be like this! I just thought I could spend one last day with my only sister before my wedding tomorrow. I was planning on visiting the tailor to get my honeymoon dress fitted and I have to pay a visit at the boutique. I thought maybe we could go together and also get some lunch at a place in the village."

I thought of an excuse to make. I had to meet Theodore. No Theodore was being tutored by his dad for an afternoon. I had to meet Cecilia. No Cecilia was taking stitching classes. I needed to clean my room. No I never do that and I don't even have to since Julia always keeps my room tidy even without asking.

I sighed and headed towards the French doors to go inside.
"I'll go wear some clothes. Wait here." I told Lorraine before I went inside.

I looked through my closet upstairs in my bedroom for any clothes.
"Julia! I can't find any clothes." I called.

"Oh I'm sorry Lady Diana. All your clothes are being washed right now. I have left a dress on your bed for you to wear." Julia explained to me.

"It's alright. Thanks for washing my clothes."

I went back to my room and found a baby blue cotton dress on the bed. It had white buttons going all the way down to the shins and a ribbon around the waist.
I put on the dress and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
This is completely different from my style.

Lorraine called for me again and I quickly ran downstairs grabbing some white sandals and sunglasses on my way.

We visited the tailor who Lorraine spoke with in French. I listened carefully but could barely make out any words. It seemed like I hadn't learned much during my time here but it was alright. After the tailor, we visited a store called "Amelia's wedding boutique".

Lorraine tried on her wedding dress one last time to make sure it was perfectly fitted before it was sent to the estate for the wedding tomorrow. The dress looked beautiful on my sister. It was simple yet elegant. It had a fitted bodice with spaghetti straps and a deep V neck line. The full skirted gown had small embroidered flowers and birds along the bottom.

"So what do you think?" Lorraine asked me as she twirled in it.

"Beautiful." I replied. I wasn't sure how to put into words how good she looked.

"Whose dress is this?" I asked, pointing at another dress which looked more princess like with a strapless neckline and a large ball gown.

"This is for another client whose getting married in autumn." The sweet boutique owner, Amelia answered. "Would you like to try it on?"

I looked at Lorraine for permission and she nodded for me to go ahead.

I stood on the round platform and the dress was put on me by some of the other ladies on the store.

"Oh mon cherie, Diana you look beautiful." Lorraine gasped.

I smirked, feeling beautiful myself. I touched the soft embroidery and thought about what it would be like to get married. I'm not gonna lie and say that the possibility of getting married and staying didn't cross my mind. I could get married along with my sister. Theodore and I could be standing at the podium together and make our vows and the both of us could be sworn away to each other for the rest of our lives. I could stay here forever with him, live at the estate together, walk along the Mediterranean coast line at dusk and dance in the veranda at night. We could have a happy life here together. A shot of guilt hit me when I remembered Jackson. Him, waiting for me back home in New York. I knew I wouldn't last long here. Even though I had grown to like Eguisheim, it still did not make me as happy as New York did. Walking down the streets with friends in the night, the street performers, millions of people to get to know, the beautiful skyline from my aunts apartment I would visit during Easter, the smell of rain against the pavement. I wouldn't have that here.

"Diana? Diana do you hear me?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my sister call my name from the door.

"Coming." I replied and pulled the dress off myself. Without saying a word, I walked out of the boutique.

"Hey are you alright?" Lorraine asked me as she followed me out.

I nodded.
"Let's have lunch somewhere." I said and smiled. I didn't want her to ask what I was thinking of or why I had suddenly become so quiet after trying on the wedding dress.


Lorraine and I arrived back at the estate after lunch. My aunts car was parked outside the front doors. We ran inside to greet her.

We found my aunt sitting in the formal living room along with a man with a clean shaved face wearing a blue suit and strong cologne and a lady holding several papers who had a pen sitting on top of her ear. She was standing beside the couch Marilyn was sitting on as she read some papers.

"Bonjour!" I called and gave my aunt a hug.

"Hello my nieces! I just finished some paperwork. I have news for you!" Marilyn exclaimed. She stood up and walked over to me, her chunky heels tapping the wood floor loudly.

Lorraine greeted our aunt and Marilyn introduced us to the man in the blue suit named Antoine who was her real estate manager and Suzanne, her financial advisor.

The two people shook our hands and left the house with all the papers, files and briefcases.

"Oh this is so exciting!" Marilyn exclaimed as she sat down with a glass of white wine.

"Auntie, you didn't quite tell us what they were here for exactly." I questioned as I sat down opposite her along with Lorraine.

"Ah sorry I almost forgot. I'm selling the estate!" Marilyn exclaimed.

"What?" I blurted.

"I know! I can't believe it either. The home which belonged to dozens of generations of the Monet bloodline before me, being sold! It's bizarre but it's a necessary step in the right direction." Marilyn disclosed.

"But where will you live?" Lorraine asked.

"I'm buying a loft in Paris! It's beautiful, right in the heart of Paris and only 2 doors down from my offices! Finally, I won't have to worry about the back and forth."

"I'm- that's great but whose gonna buy this place, it's way too huge." I argued.

"Actually I gave already found the perfect couple who are willing to make this estate their home. They want a quiet life in the southern French coastline and I told them that I have the perfect place! They already paid and all. Also, I received more than enough money and since this estate is yours as much as mine, Diana, I purchased a studio for you in Manhattan!" My aunt told me, excitedly.

"Wow- um thanks but what about Julia?" I asked, still trying to testify.

"Julia will continue to have her job here at the estate. Now-"

"But- but what about all the statutes you collected over the years and the paintings and..."

Marilyn sat down beside me and placed a hand over mine.

"Look darling. I know this may be some big news to you but I thought you'd like it since you used to always ask me to leave this boring place and I'm finally doing it! Aren't you happy?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded.
I didn't fear loosing the estate. I feared loosing reason to come back here. I feared loosing my Theodore.

"Ah, so tomorrow's the wedding! The last Monet party before the estate is no longer the Monet estate! So exciting!" My aunt exclaimed. She kissed mine and Lorraine's foreheads and ran off to her study.

Lorraine looked at me and smiled.
I wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. I had nothing left to say at this point. She had already sold it.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Where stories live. Discover now