16-It's Time to Gamble Baby!

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Tw: mentions of being addicted to gambling

{   Clay's POV   }

I woke up and sadly I wasn't with my Georgie this time. I sighed sadly and got up, walking down the stairs in a slow pace, I went to the kitchen and threw something small for my poorly made dinner. I ate in silence wishing that my Georgie was next to me. I finished my food and took my dish to my sink, turning on the sink and cleaning the dish, placing it in the white plastic holder for the dish to dry. I heard my phone ding and went to go see who messaged me


hey dreamy :) can i stay the night? i'm bored and want to spend time with you

I smiled at the message and began to type out a response.

of course Georgie, just remember to bring clothes :]

okay i will Dreamy, i'll see you soon<3

see you soon Georgie:)<3

I smiled and sat on my couch, waiting for my Georgie to come over. I was so happy that he was coming over, I missed him so much already, and it seemed like he missed me too. After a good bit of waiting a knock filled my ears, causing me to basically jump up and run to the door to unlock it.

I unlocked the door and opened it, seeing my beautiful George "Hi Georgie." I said, holding the door up for him. "Hi Dreamy." George said with a soft comforting smile, causing me to smile the same kind of smile he had one. George hugged me as soon as I closed and locked the door, surprising me.

I still wrapped my arms around George even from the sudden touch and smiled softly "You've been awfully cuddly lately Georgie." I said chuckling, George looked up and gave me a playfully glare before shoving his face back into my chest.

"It's not my fault you're so nice to cuddle." George mumbled into my shirt. "Thanks for the compliment, Georgie." I said teasingly, I felt George smiled and backed away from the hug "Mm can we go to sleep, I'm tired." George slurred tiredly, I smiled and nodded, walking to the couch and sitting down, holding out my arms for George to enter them. George smiled lazily and walked over to my arms, basically plopping himself into them once he was close enough. He soon was comfortable and stopped moving, I wrapped my arms around his body once he said he was good.

George sighed comfortably and looked up at me admirably but hell he couldn't ever admire someone that looks like me. George smiled and moved his head back to where it was "Goodnight Dreamy." George slurred exhaust, I smiled and closed my eyes "Goodnight Georgie." And with that I let the darkness take over.


Me and George woke up from my annoying alarm clock like always, I rushed to shut it off, not wanting to hear the blaring alarm anymore. Once it was turned off George sighed " I guess that's our cue to get up huh?" George asked, obviously disappointed about having to go to school. I frowned lightly and nodded, George sighed and hesitantly got up, groaning as he did a quick stretch.

"How about you go and get ready while I make breakfast, yeah?" George nodded and went upstairs to change. I started to make the waffles, making sure it was perfect for George.

After a bit of cooking and a good bit of George waiting patiently I finished. I smiled and placed the plate down for George, swiftly taking out indigents for George to pick from, he smiled brightly "Thank you Dreamy, you're too sweet." George said happily "Of course Georgie, don't mention it. I'm going to go change really quick, I'll be back." George nodded as he picked from the few indigents I had set out.

After a few moments of twisting and turning I finally had my uniform on, heading downstairs and seeing George waiting for me. I grabbed a granola bar and opened it, taking a bite as I grabbed the main house keys "Walk or drive?" I asked George after I swallowed my bite of granola bar "Let's drive." George said, I smiled and grabbed my car keys.

I finished the granola bar and threw the wrapper away and unlocked the door, holding the door for George. I followed after him and closed the door, locking it and clicking the button on my keys to unlock the car doors. I went to the passengers door and did the same thing as I did for the front door, opening the car door and George thanking me, climbing into the car.

I closed it after George was fully in the car and headed to the drivers side, climbing in. I sighed in relief as I sat down, I pulled my seatbelt on and started the car, reserving out of the driveway and driving to the school in a comfortable silence.

We got to the school quicker than usual, since we drove this time. I parked the car in the school parking lot, stopping the car and unbuckling my seatbelt. I opened my car door and got out, shutting it behind me.

Once I did that I went to George's side, opening the door and him climbing out as well, I pressed the lock button on my keys and intertwined my hands with George's leading him to the school's entrance. I smiled in content as we entered the school, we got to our lockers and opened them, placing everything that we didn't need in the locker and then grabbing everything we did need.

I shut the locker and we were about to head to class early until suddenly someone appeared by George's locker, practically slamming into the other locker.

"HEY! Are you that George kid?" A guy said that had a beanie on his head, covering almost all of his hair. "Uhh yeah?" George said in confusion, the guy smiled brightly "Awesome!" He exclaimed holding out his hand "I'm Alex, but call me Quackity." The guy nicknamed 'Quackity' said. George was obviously extremely confused "Uhh George. But it seems like you already know me." George slowly said, Quackity nodded rapidly and then leaned against the lockers, "So, wanna be friends Gogs?" Quackity asked with his arms crossed, George still looked extremely confused but hesitantly nodded an 'Okay.'

"So Gogs, you wanna hang later man?" Quackity asked. He already was taking up all me and George's time. I pulled out my phone and went to the one and only contact that wasn't George.


god, i hate to ask again but i need info on someone

jeez people reallyyy want to get your hands on your georgie huh?

i guess so but i dont understand why they try, he'll always be mine

that you are correct dream, anyways who do you need info on?

someone named Alex but he goes by 'Quackity'

oh him. we've had some issues. let's just say we have a... bad.

then you must have the best info on

good point. well, he has an addicting to gambling, he always denies that he isn't but it's quite obvious. it's believed that there was some sort of 'tension' between him and Wilbur but no one really knows. he was also friends with Sapnap and Karl, they apparently too had something going on. i've heard that Quackity only wants to be friends with George but he definitely seems like he wants to take all of yours and George's time.

well thank you Techno, i think i have a perfect idea to what i'm going to do.

well good luck Dream.

thanks techno, you'll get your payment soon.

I put my phone away and smiled lightly. He'll be mine soon, whether he likes it or not.


Word count: 1,250
A/N: we're getting closer to the end :]]

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